Boombox surprise

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Boomus Fidelis
A good scooterfriend just called me.
He is cleaning up his residence and found an boombox.
I can get it tomorrow.

He has forgotten the label, but this is sure:
> Stereo
> Oldskool style with non-detachable speakers
> Silver with blue scale
> Midsize and quiet heavy
> 2 different (!) tapedecks with 2 counters :hmmm:
> covered switches at the top
> many connections

Anybody an idea?
What box could it be... :angelic:


Boomus Fidelis
JVC Floyd said:
it could be that fisher that has a regular and micro cassette in one unit ,

Could be true!
He thought the label will begin with "F".
But tomorrow we will see it, i hope so... :sin:


Boomus Fidelis
Yeaaaah, floyd was right!! :yes:
It´s a FISHER!!

Beautiful unit with normal and minitape. :w00t:
Absolutely free, he won´t take any money for it.
More pics tomorrow, but this it is: :cool:


Thanks to chris for this beauty! :smooch:


Boomus Fidelis
Yes, he is a great guy.
And our champion in scooterrace.
Here in the middle at the big run 2008.
He won! :yes:


The box was from the company he works.
Used it for saving dictaphone tapes to normal ones. :-)


Member (SA)
very cool :cool: boombox you got there ViennaSound. i think i've seen one on ebay before. once. and nowhere else. and it wasn't even in as good of shape as the one you've got. great score and great friend! :beer2:


Member (SA)
Top score Roman! A similar Aiwa just sold for just sold for a lot of money on .au ebay (nearly AU$400 +postage).
There can't be a lot of models with normal and mini cassette, that's for sure.
Well done!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
that`s rare!

congrats on that Roman!

sanyo#-m-w50 IBBN 7-07548
sanyo#-wmr-cm IBBN 7-07180
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