boombox model that is on the cover of the beastie boys album

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Member (SA)
listen to some old school on pandora and beastie came on and the cover of the solid gold album has a boombox. Whats the brand / model?


Boomus Fidelis
JVC M90 i would say.... :-)



Member (SA)
Now the 'deeper' question would be if that is the exact same radio that LL used for the cover of Radio. Being that the BBoys photos looks like it's 85/86 and of course Adrock was the one that found LL and get him with DefJam, I wouldn't doubt it's Adrocks or someone from DefJam, and they used it for various shoots and all. It's been awhile since I've watched Krush Grove, but I wonder if the same M90 is in the movie. I remembered that LL's posse had a boombox in had when he was brought to meet Rick Rubin. But now that I find it on youtube, I see it's not the M90. It's not even the TC999 that LL had in other shots back then. It's actually a fairly small box compared to everything else LL rolled with back them.

Who can tell what model this is? Is that a different JVC model? I would hope so as that's what he's rapping about.



On another note, this is a great interview of LL back in his good days, talking about the BBoys causing trouble (as they were supposed to back then)


Staff member
Fatdog said:
oldskool69 said:
The box in the video is a Sanyo C1 or C2. :-)
According to an earlier post by Frizzle regarding the same box, it was identified as a Sanyo C4. ... 890#p71890

Actually the one in the full music video is the Sanyo C4 and it's easily seen. For whatever reason the one in this clip for the movie is different. Perhaps shot on different days and they grabbed the first thing lying around. I would suspect given the budget and type of movie accuracy was not a concern. :lol:
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