Now the 'deeper' question would be if that is the exact same radio that LL used for the cover of Radio. Being that the BBoys photos looks like it's 85/86 and of course Adrock was the one that found LL and get him with DefJam, I wouldn't doubt it's Adrocks or someone from DefJam, and they used it for various shoots and all. It's been awhile since I've watched Krush Grove, but I wonder if the same M90 is in the movie. I remembered that LL's posse had a boombox in had when he was brought to meet Rick Rubin. But now that I find it on youtube, I see it's not the M90. It's not even the TC999 that LL had in other shots back then. It's actually a fairly small box compared to everything else LL rolled with back them.
Who can tell what model this is? Is that a different JVC model? I would hope so as that's what he's rapping about.
On another note, this is a great interview of LL back in his good days, talking about the BBoys causing trouble (as they were supposed to back then)