Ever since an old friend of mine opened a bar in a small village not far from my place, I have been visiting him with gusto. He's the guy who paved the way to my first successful trip to the UK, back in the 80s. I was a student with great expectations and eager to learn the language, but I had no experience abroad whatsoever. He, instead, had been living in London for more than a year, a student of photography back in the days. It was him who helped me find a job to finance my three-month stay.
Soon after, however, we lost sight of each other. He came back home to work in the family business, I crossed the pond for a while. When I came back to Italy I moved to another city and started a totally different activity. We met again last year in his new place: a small, cozy bar which appropriately bears the name of a boat, in the Sicilian dialect, since the place is located in a village of fishmongers and mariners. Here's a pic:
What's special in his bar, apart from him? To begin with, there's the best granita I've ever tasted. You can enjoy it all year round, and not only in Summertime as elsewhere. And everything is great, since the open secret of his lab is to use first quality ingredients. On top of that, my friend speaks English and French, which explains why tourists adore the place.
We have the same age so when we meet we invariably discuss the music we used to listen to in our youth. A couple of weeks ago we shared our memories over HMV @ Oxford St. and the plaetora of electronic shops in Tottenham Rd. As soon as I uttered the magic word "boombox" he said with a long face, how I wish I still had mine...!
Digression: I am dismantling my collection. Soon I'll be an ex-owner of most of my units, which I estimate around 300 specimens at the moment -- but I could be wrong by default. I'll keep a certain number which I like, they're destined to cover a wall one day. I'll offer the others for sale here and on the other site. So, I thought, why not find one for my friend who misses so much his wonderful Grundig? I scavenged among the units I have been amassing in a deposit while waiting to sort things out properly, and that's what I found out for him:
Shades of my now lost forever Sunday Quiz on stereo2go: do you recognize the model? More importantly, at least to me: do you like it? My friend certainy does: you should have seen the joy in his eyes when I popped in carrying my gift on my shoulder. The unit is fully working and in great shape. I love the way its color chrome & form match the interior decoration. What do you think?
Soon after, however, we lost sight of each other. He came back home to work in the family business, I crossed the pond for a while. When I came back to Italy I moved to another city and started a totally different activity. We met again last year in his new place: a small, cozy bar which appropriately bears the name of a boat, in the Sicilian dialect, since the place is located in a village of fishmongers and mariners. Here's a pic:
What's special in his bar, apart from him? To begin with, there's the best granita I've ever tasted. You can enjoy it all year round, and not only in Summertime as elsewhere. And everything is great, since the open secret of his lab is to use first quality ingredients. On top of that, my friend speaks English and French, which explains why tourists adore the place.
We have the same age so when we meet we invariably discuss the music we used to listen to in our youth. A couple of weeks ago we shared our memories over HMV @ Oxford St. and the plaetora of electronic shops in Tottenham Rd. As soon as I uttered the magic word "boombox" he said with a long face, how I wish I still had mine...!
Digression: I am dismantling my collection. Soon I'll be an ex-owner of most of my units, which I estimate around 300 specimens at the moment -- but I could be wrong by default. I'll keep a certain number which I like, they're destined to cover a wall one day. I'll offer the others for sale here and on the other site. So, I thought, why not find one for my friend who misses so much his wonderful Grundig? I scavenged among the units I have been amassing in a deposit while waiting to sort things out properly, and that's what I found out for him:
Shades of my now lost forever Sunday Quiz on stereo2go: do you recognize the model? More importantly, at least to me: do you like it? My friend certainy does: you should have seen the joy in his eyes when I popped in carrying my gift on my shoulder. The unit is fully working and in great shape. I love the way its color chrome & form match the interior decoration. What do you think?