Boom Box memories

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Member (SA)
I just got my old boom box from my parents house, and it brought back such memories! I remember loading it up with about a million batteries to take to the beach, and blasting Gang of Four for all of Zuma Beach to hear!


Member (SA)
tlkatz said:
I just got my old boom box from my parents house, and it brought back such memories! I remember loading it up with about a million batteries to take to the beach, and blasting Gang of Four for all of Zuma Beach to hear!

Rediscoverd your old boombox huh :-D ............. it all starts there and now you are in for a ride !

Welcome :yes:


Staff member
tlkatz said:
I just got my old boom box from my parents house, and it brought back such memories! I remember loading it up with about a million batteries to take to the beach, and blasting Gang of Four for all of Zuma Beach to hear!

Welcome! And what model boombox is this? :-)


Member (SA)
that's how I felt, when we moved down here to Florida from NY back in 95, I left a bunch of my stuff in my dads basement including my Aiwa 880, it was in a cedar closet he has and I guess the cold weather helped preserve everything as the speaker surrounds still are like new. Well about 15 years later my wife went up to visit and brought a bunch of my stuff down including the 880, it was like the day i bought it, still remember that day was sitting out in the screen room with my mom and a guy my dad worked with at the time when UPS pulled up and the driver got out with a very large box, my 880!! Had to unpack it right away to show my dad's co-worker, ahh the memories !! Same feeling when I finally got to see it again when my wife got back home here!!.

Lasonic TRC-920

tlkatz said:
I just got my old boom box from my parents house, and it brought back such memories! I remember loading it up with about a million batteries to take to the beach, and blasting Gang of Four for all of Zuma Beach to hear!

Yeah Man, I spent allot of my youth at Free Zuma! Partied hard there, Always had my Blaster with me too! Good times for sure!

Welcome to the site!

What radio did you have?
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