Hey guys, I'm pretty new here and I just got my first box, a Sharp GF-575ZL, yesterday. My very first mod is going to be a non-invasive bluetooth add-on. I have a Sony HWSBTA2W, which is both a reciever and transmitter. Unfortunately, It can only do one mode at a time and you have to physically flip a switch to change modes. That will be a minor inconvenience since I really have no need for transmitting at this time. But, if it proves to be little hassle, I'll go ahead and connect the output and wire the switch. It originally came with a 4.5v power brick and doesn't have an internal battery. I bought a $99 power brick at the thrift store that fit the BT adapter and cut the plug off. I then wired it to 3 AAA batteries and it worked like a charm. I had to use it in my car when all I had was an AUX input on the rear of the deck.
Anyway, I now plan on using it in my 575. I'm gonna add a power regulator so that everything is internal and then find a clever way to mount a momentary switch for power on/off. I like the fact that the rear input/output panel has some clean open areas that can be cut/drilled if necesary without looking modded. My other thought is that the external speaker panel is removable and since I don't plan on using it, I can place a new panel with the needed switches in it's place. No permanent changes and easily put back... win/win!!
I'm thinking it will be a couple of weeks before I do this mod, but I will be sure to post my own tutorial once I do. Adding internal bluetooth is a very easy mod, electronically anyway. The hardest part, physically but some times emotionally, is having to cut/drill your case for the switches. The Sony HWSBTA2W is expensive ($49 on Amazon) but it works very well. I know there are many other choices out there and I would recommend looking at the physical layout of the switches and LEDs since you will be takign it apart anyway.