Blaster-Vision Test 1

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Lasonic TRC-920

OK, I have been working on a rig that allows me to mount a camera to my radios for BLASTER-VISION. Video footage from a radio's point of view! It mounts to the handle and can go on any radio I have with out damaging it. It holds my cell phone, a Verizon Thunderbolt. Now when I'm cruising down the boulevard to can see the radio and where we're going!

Here is some test footage....Now all I need to do is go to a cool spot, like the beach and do some filming!

Today I am using the Realistic SCR-8

More Footage to come!



Member (SA)
That's brilliant!!! I'd love to see a skating or other Street Sports video shot like that. Would make for an kick arse music video!!

Love your work, Chris!

And my Blaster Collection video popped up on there as the next video! Rockin!

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

Gluecifer said:
That's brilliant!!! I'd love to see a skating or other Street Sports video shot like that. Would make for an kick arse music video!!

Love your work, Chris!

And my Blaster Collection video popped up on there as the next video! Rockin!

Rock On.

YES, your collection pops up second! How sweet is that! I'm going to try to get down to the beach or something to get some real footage. Of course I will post it!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Haha, great idea man! Now we can get the real reactions of people to your blasters and to your BEARD!!!! hahaha :chris920:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
blu_fuz said:
Haha, great idea man! Now we can get the real reactions of people to your blasters and to your BEARD!!!! hahaha :chris920:

Oh, that's a whole other project...BEARD-VISION! :lol:

:agree: there are a lot of different types of beard..hahahaha! :-D :-D :-D :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Sweet idea, love to see a vid of you carrying that around with music playing in a busy town high streets and shopping centre :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

docs said:
Sweet idea, love to see a vid of you carrying that around with music playing in a busy town high streets and shopping centre :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Yeah, that's the plan....I may go to the beach tomorrow and see what I can come up with!


Member (SA)
Wow. Thats a movie. Dont let Hollywood to steal your idea :thumbsup: . Cant wait to see next one . Love the SCR8 side view :drool:

Lasonic TRC-920

stormsven said:
Wow. Thats a movie. Dont let Hollywood to steal your idea :thumbsup: . Cant wait to see next one . Love the SCR8 side view :drool:

:lol: :lol: Yeah, Hollywood would be up for stealing this master piece! :-D :yes:

The beauty part about this rig I built is it will go on just about every radio I have, so if this works out....I may make a compilation video with many different radios!
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