Blaster Ammo!!! Firing Blanks!

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Member (SA)
Time to show off your blank tapes.

Yea, I know there was a similar thread on the S2G site and I posted these pics there too, but I'm trying to get my status up to "CrO2" instead of just "Normal" so I thought it would be appropriate to post up these pictures of my tape collection. Plus, I did bug Bobby to create this sub-forum....

Tony, no I do not have stock in Maxell... I just need intervention!

How many tapes in this pic?







Member (SA)
do we win something if we guess how many tapes?

see I'm not padding my posts. I could have replied to my own post but instead I'm editing it,

I don't think I've ever seen so many Maxell's even in the stores


Member (SA)
ahardb0dy said:
do we win something if we guess how many tapes?

Uhhh, okay... I'll count the tapes...

Winner gets a free Maxell or TDK metal tape with your choice of a dance mix, funk & soul mix, or ambient groove mix on it??


Member (SA)

No, I don't have any of the Teac Reels. Just a couple of those Reel Cleer ones.

Also, the count contest is only pertinant to the first picture.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Okay here's another try...

If you go with the first picture (the one where you ask the question), are you counting "inferred" or "actually seen"?

My guesses are:

208 (if you only count visible cassettes and/or cases)

248 (including the inferred cassettes in the two cases and those behind the speaker)


Member (SA)
Fatdog wins!

248 = close enough...

I had counted 258, but that included another box of 10 that you can just barely see, in all honesty, its not really fair to count that, so I had resolved myself to award the first person to call it either 248 or 258. Plus, you seem to have caught the two empty cases that could throw one off...

And I didn't count the VHS cassette, since this was implied to be a compact cassette only contest. I coulda thrown a curve ball with that one...

Anyway, now Bobby has some decisions to make... Do you want a latest formulation TDK MA C-90, or a vintage 1986 model Maxell MX C-60, or a 3M Blackwatch C-100?

The TDK MA and 3M Blackwatch 4040 tapes are squeeky clean, fresh out of the wrapper, whereas the Maxell MX available is a very gently used C-60.... However, since I don't want to sell you short on the Maxell, if you go for the used MX, I'll sweeten that pick by kicking in a vintage gold label 1979 UD XLII C60 as well and put some music on that for you as well... So you'd end up with two tapes and 120 mins of music with that option.

Now, what kind of tunes do you want on these??? DJ mix, Ambient Chill, or Funk/Soul classics?


Well-Known Member
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Sweet baby jeebus!! I won?! :clap:

I think I'll go with the 3M Blackwatch 4040 cassette. I don't have one of those. :-) Hmmm... :hmmm: What sort of music would I like... :hmmm:

I've got a slew of funk/old school myself, so I'll go with the Ambient/Chill - something to pump up when you're just hanging out in the backyard grilling some sausages and enjoying some frosty brews. :sin:

Thanks, jaetee!!


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We already have one. :lol:

Click on the "View more smilies" link and you'll see him right next to Afro smiley. :dj:


Member (SA)
Hi guys-I have some special photos to show you soon here on this bat station & this bat forum!! :ninja:
Keep yourself posted-will show a sample of 1985'-my favorite 80's year by tonight or tomorrow.
I hope I have you guys in suspense!-Just wait & see!!

BTW-Jaetee,I like your tape collection,thats something we have in coomon-I've been known to be called "The Cassette King" That's a wide diversity of cassette you have there.-Nice!!
I love cassettes!!
Have a great weekend-GB. :-) :-P :choco: :cool:


Member (SA)
So, due to somewhat overwhelming response on S2G and for mixtape swaps, I mailed out 10 packages on Wednesday, containing a total of 19 tapes. And that is already the second wave! The first round was not quite as big, but in total I think I've mailed out around 34 tapes so far! And I've gotten lots of great music in return.

I've sent packages to Hungary, Sweden, England, Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and all over the USA. All in all, I'd say it has cost me around $60 total in postage and quite a bit of time, but this has been a very fun and fulfilling project for me. :thumbsup:

I'd like to express a sincere thanks to all who participated and put in the effort as well. I hope you enjoy your tapes. :dj: :stereo: :beer2:

(And for you, Fatdog, you're gonna love that Blackwatch 4040 headed your way. I promise you they are a very cool looking and great sounding tape! The downtempo tracks on there are some of my favorites and I hope you play that as much as I've been playing the CDs you sent for little David. They sound great in the Panasonic RX-DT707!)


Member (SA)
I have mixtapes to send out to British Columbia, james, and I just ordered a bunch of tapes from that tape site you posted the link to, have another set to copy for Rick in Au.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hey JT, I just got the Black Watch 4040 in the mail today. Thanks so much!! :thumbsup: I haven't listened to it yet, but you are right, the Black Watch is a very cool looking tape. I really like the red spindles. I can't wait to pop it into the Aiwa F660. :cool:



Member (SA)
Right on, Bobby. I hope you like the tunes! Should sound geat in a home system, too.

ahardb0dy said:
I have mixtapes to send out to British Columbia, james, and I just ordered a bunch of tapes from that tape site you posted the link to, have another set to copy for Rick in Au.

What site are you talking about, Tony? Tapeheads? What tapes did you buy?


Member (SA)
that batteries and butter site you posted in the "good place to buy tapes", Rick wanted me to order hime some Akai tapes they are type 2 chrome, had to buy them in a 10 pack minimum to get the low price, no idea how good they are 10 for about $18 shipped. I have to copy the old kiss fm master mix tapes for him.

side note: my 800th post!!
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