black gold

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nz boom

Member (SA)
finely got one :-D she needs some parts function switch knob and the extension shaft. function switch is fine and missing the battery cover even both tape deck work and its in stunning condition and the basssssssss pm me if you can help with the parts :thumbsup:



Member (SA)
What a beauty Craig, and rare on this side of the earth, well dome mate. Now I must get one.

P.S come into chat.


Member (SA)
that thing looks crazy, what a beast! the vintage black themed boxes have a great look to them.


Member (SA)
I know what you just don't expect a lot from the sound but once you turn it on, it just blows you away. I have rarely been that surprised by a box :yes:
Congrats! :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That is an early, early, early blue label 931. It still has a lot of the features of the brown label 931 that was before it.

Good looker even if the function switch is bad.


Member (SA)
:thumbsup: Yay! I keep forgetting that these were not really common in many other parts of the world. They're deceivingly great sounding boxes. Now, Craig knows the bassiness these boxes have. I'm sure You will find all the replacement donor parts here among 'La Familia' .


Boomus Fidelis
blu_fuz said:
That is an early, early, early blue label 931. It still has a lot of the features of the brown label 931 that was before it.

Good looker even if the function switch is bad.

Brown label :confused: you mean the decal over power switch :hmmm: because that's actually 2nd edition with meter on top/left. Anyway Craig that is a very cool 1st edition :cool: looks to be in very clean shape :drool:


Member (SA)
Not my cup of tea, but a very desirable box, none the less. :coolpics: How do you guys down there score such rare boxes in such great shape?

I need a vacation and I think I know where. :hmmm: :thumbsup:
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