Best damaged delivery experience ever

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Member (SA)
So I had someone send me a box that was darn near mint....... before it got shipped. Well it ended up taking some bad damage during shipment. As always I document the packaging opening with photos as I open things. I shared the photos and damage with him. So what does he do but sends me a 2nd one, without any addition cost to me or asking for the orig box back. So I have the great box I wanted, and a 2nd very repairable box (rear case crack/damage needing some solvent welding). Probably doesn't hurt that I've bought maybe 4 boxes from him before but still I would've never expected to get a 2 for 1 on a great box. (1 just needing the case repair)

Figured I better share a good 'damaged shipment' story as I've shared plenty of bad ones previously.


Boomus Fidelis
Now that was cool ;-) I just had a very small mono shipped. Even though it's small I relayed a message that I'm paying $15 for shipping and if they could please use bubble wrap as the radio is 30 years old. Well I got it with just some paper covering it :sadno: Do these freaking people ever listen. Had to repair a broken post, even in a 3LBS mono radio :annoyed: this is exactly why I want to stop all shipment to me :sadno: anyway sorry to steal thread... Good luck repairing yours :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Glu - you're onto it. Despite what seems like ample packaging, one got damaged. Coming from the other side of the world it might be luck if they ever make it intact. Was 4 for 4 before with great big boxes. Like I've said before they've been shipped faster and he's communicated better than all (English speaking) sellers ive dealt w aside from maybe the seller of the VZs and James.

I didn't even ask for anything but just shared the damage pics and asked how we want to handle it (knowing that returning it isnt really an option) He replies within 24 hours that he's shipping another one as compensation. With the same packaging it made it like the previous 4 did. Maybe took 5 days in transit, which I don't even know how it's possible when shipments from within the US can take over a week sometimes. USPS EMS is crazy quick I guess.

Only thing I asked for was to him possibly adding 'fragile electronics' stickers on all sides, in both languages as i swear that's the only way for shippers to not toss them like ragdolls. The damaged one had to have been dropped from some height to break. We did have a previous box get returned to him from customs because of the magnets I guess but he got it right back out and it was fine from there.

Also gonna document my repair as Ive been using the solvent weld stuff and man does that work amazing and hide the previous cracks. That Helix case that UPS managed to break is looking real nice, and I just can't believe the strength of that repair vs using any glues and all. Thanks to the board for incoming me of that solvent and technique as it was exactly was I read on this board. See more here... viewtopic.php?f=47&t=12384

Here's the pics...

Damaged box as I opened it, must've been dropped pretty darn hard on this side to cause this. I have all pieces and gonna have it welded back soon. Sucks that other than that, the box is of course 'minty'.

The 2nd one. Looking fly. The little white specs are just static pieces of the styro I hadn't wiped off yet. And the one missing switch tip was in the bag too and snapped back on (as loose as those do).



Well-Known Member
Staff member
God dang man, now you have 2 777s because of the busted case on one???? wow


Member (SA)
well..... I have 3 now as I previously had one already. :) So yes I'm gonna get a family photo of the 3 777s, 2 VZ2000s and other 'smaller' Sharps I have. Just need a damn fish eye lens to get it em all in. Luckily it's damn near 80 and June like blue skies in Minneapolis, so I might have a deck photo shoot of some boxes. Again, Blasterpunk style making the boxes look like they are some heavenly God floating in the blue sky. Natural light just makes this things look so money.


Member (SA)
Yeah, they somehow all ended up in China.

Except this one that someone paid $695+shipping for this beat up one outta 'the streets of NYC' needing new belts and plastic surgery. Something about this line doesn't make it sound like it's in good condition, unless you like the 'street fight box' look.

"This one has been walking the New York City Streets, has been around street fights, at the park jams, street parties, Dances and super house parties, if it could talk it would have lots of great stories to tell."

From the looks of the sides/back I think someone took a 1980s switchblade to it in one of the "street fights" or "super house parties".


Member (SA)
m40dotcom said:
well..... I have 3 now as I previously had one already. :) So yes I'm gonna get a family photo of the 3 777s, 2 VZ2000s and other 'smaller' Sharps I have. Just need a damn fish eye lens to get it em all in. Luckily it's damn near 80 and June like blue skies in Minneapolis, so I might have a deck photo shoot of some boxes. Again, Blasterpunk style making the boxes look like they are some heavenly God floating in the blue sky. Natural light just makes this things look so money.


Send me one of the 777, so you will not have any problem with "damn fish eye lens" to make family photos :lol:


Member (SA)
Very nice indeeed, M40dotcom!

Which ebay seller was this? If you don't mind making it public.
It's always good to know which ones are the most professional.

I'm hoping it was Xiaosan777168.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
yea blu, that's an old outdated page of thumbnails and links to projects I've worked on. I do interactive design and production work on a contract basis, hence what you see there. Work with a variety of ad agencies and some direct clients. Flash/HTML/CSS/JS, etc.
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