That's what I call this box... I've never heard of this brand, nor has Google!
No year or place of fabrication anywhere on it. Looks really bad, I got it for free (duh!)... needs A LOT of work... |-)
Radio works and is unusually loud and clear.
Tape doesn't move but the motor is working inside... must be belt-needy.
You guys (or Walkgirl) know anything about this "thing"?
Take a look at it...
Talk about a "project box" hahahaha...
Kinda weird the location for the Band Selector...
It even has a digital quartz...
(couldn't get this pic to load completely)... later I guess...
No year or place of fabrication anywhere on it. Looks really bad, I got it for free (duh!)... needs A LOT of work... |-)
Radio works and is unusually loud and clear.
Tape doesn't move but the motor is working inside... must be belt-needy.
You guys (or Walkgirl) know anything about this "thing"?
Take a look at it...
Talk about a "project box" hahahaha...
Kinda weird the location for the Band Selector...
It even has a digital quartz...
(couldn't get this pic to load completely)... later I guess...