Beat Swap Chinatown 2014

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Lasonic TRC-920

Boomboxery was WELL represented at the Chinatown Beat Swap in Los Angeles 2014!

I was was a blistering 113F degrees and we sweated our asses off lugging the biggest blasters in the heat!


From Left To Right
Chris, Owen, Peter, Adrian
(Lasonic TRC-920, Kraftmatic, Fresh Produce, Mac Daddy Freshness)

People were asking for pictures of us with the radios, pictures of the radios. A lady came up to Owen and I and said "I'm from out of town, can I get a picture, you guys are so California and so cool" :cool: :-D

Needless to say, we THUMPED the music big time. Lots of vendors, lots of DJ's, LOUD MUSIC wherever you turned. If this event comes to your city, I highly recommend you check it out.


Of course no Boomboxery Meet is complete with out a radio transaction. I want to thank Owen (Kraftmatic) for hooking me up with this super clean Lasonic TRC-922. This radio has been on my radar for a long time. They make this in a few versions, but this is my personal favorite.

Look for a full thread later on this box!


Thanks again guys, It was a HOT day in LA, but we ROCKED the BEAT hard!

Stay tuned for more pictures from other members!


Member (SA)
I wouldn't know what was going on if I seen 4 dudes walking down the street with blasters!
I don't think we've even got to 100 degrees here in the Midwest..?
Chris, did you go into one of those stores and ask for 20-D Energizers..? :lol:
Daaamn that girl in the Lasonic tent was packing!! So much cake and its not even my birthday!! But back to the thread today was effing awesome!! I loved the attention we got and when the older storeowners came out angry and told us to lower it down (i bet that took them back to the good old days) LOL But it was awesome hanging out with the boomboxery fam we never have a dull moment when we hang out!


I Am Legend
you guys are livin the boombox dream AGAIN -- :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :clap:

any front shots of that big chick in the short shorts ?? :drool:

fresh produce

Member (SA)
Such a fun time hanging out with the brotherhood we got to do it again! Everybody's reaction was priceless :lol: here's some more pics



Member (SA)
Dam I rolled up just a little too late for the group shots, but I'll catch you guys at the next event, I had a good time, the people's reactions to these boxes are great, lots of questions asked like "Where'd you get that?!" "How much did you pay for that?!" "Can I get a picture?" It was a blast, I posted these on another thread but I think they should be posted here as well for all to see, enjoy em brothers!View attachment 11556
Boomboxery Boys. WEST COAST STYLE, left to right
View attachment 11558
Lasonic Representative and myself in front of the Lasonic booth.
Kickin it OLD SCHOOL
View attachment 11560View attachment 11561

Once again it was nice meeting you fellas, I look forward to meeting Chris and the rest of the crew at the next function, It would be cool to walk around with with a whole crew of addicts. And keep me posted on those shirts Adrian, I'd like to rock one at the next meet!


Boomus Fidelis
Da fuq, 113 degrees??? It was only about 88 here. I'm almost glad I didn't come! j/k

What kind of tunes you guys play? Did someone bring an FM transmitter?


Member (SA)
Awesome pics guys looks like you had a proper blast :thumbsup: any chance of a close up of Mac Daddy's Helix? never seen that box before but it looks hot. Great to see you bagged the 922 Chris, it's my personal fave Lasonic :drool:


Member (SA)
What kind of tunes you guys play? Did someone bring an FM transmitter?[/quote]

I had a few old hip hop cassettes in my pocket, I had N.W.A. Dana Dane, The Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill and
Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock, but it was soooo dam hot that we didn't stay long enough to play em all, my wifey and my son were overheating so we left after about 2 hours of walking around. But it's one for the history books!


Boomus Fidelis
fresh produce said:
A dope pic I found of us marching through the crowd

You should have brought the Sony in your avatar, you'd have had chicks all over that like bees on honey!

Lasonic TRC-920

This was amazing. Other than the heat it was a killer day. My wife was melting as well. But she didn't complain at all and even carried the 922 back to the car.

As for trying to buy 20 D cell's, Owen DID try to find some batteries, but no one was selling those.

All the pictures you saw were taken by my wife. I asked her why she took a picture of that girls butt. She said she thought we would like it :lol: . I think she's been reading too many posts by Redbenjoe! Sorry, no pictures of the front, that's all we got.

This time out, it was so hot, we kind of hung to the side of the event in the shade. There was a much bigger crowd around the corner in the sun. But even still, the reaction was strong. I'm sure we are on allot of facebook pages today!

mac daddy freshness said:
and when the older storeowners came out angry and told us to lower it down (i bet that took them back to the good old days) LOL
From their reaction, I don't think they were "Good old days" to them! More like "I remember them and still hate them!"

But the reality is, this is such a perfect place to do this because it IS about full volume! Most of the time, it was so LOUD walking around, that our radio's couldn't even be heard. That was another reason I was just chillin' in the shade on the side, so OUR music was "The" music!

As for what I was playing, I did my patent pending Bluetooth mod to the J1 last week so I was streaming from my phone. I was cranking some Liquid Stranger, DJ Blindside, Quasar, Run DMC and some AC/DC here and there.

We did not have an FM transmitter, but I want to look into something that would work in this situation.

The Intersound J1 747 Super Jumbo lives up to the hype. It's a BEAST and it PERFORMS! All vintage blasters struggle with Dubstep or other music with 808 notes, but when the right tunes are selected, it will Thump and Roar! I just thank Blu_Fuz again for the kick ass job he does on the straps. I love this J1, but there is NO POSSIBLE WAY to carry it by the handle for any distance at all. The handles design is a BLOCK SQUARE and the edges cut into my hand after 15 feet. But with the strap, No worries at all! Carried it for hours and had no issues at all.

Anyway, sorry didn't get to meet SLO, but that's just an excuse to do it again! They do this Beat Swap every 3-4 months, so on a COOLER day, we will be back to BLAST!

As for that Helix of Adrian's, it's a monster too. AND REALLY LOUD!


Member (SA)
This was amazing. Other than the heat it was a killer day. My wife was melting as well. But she didn't complain at all and even carried the 922 back to the car.

Anyway, sorry didn't get to meet SLO, but that's just an excuse to do it again! They do this Beat Swap every 3-4 months, so on a COOLER day, we will be back to BLAST!

Yea our wives are definitely down for us! Cuz my wifey stuck it out as well, she seen me having such a good time carrying my box so she hung in there with me, gotta love that.

And yup I agree about doin it again, I saw that there's another Beat Swapmeet in Santa Ana on November 1st, much cooler in November so lemme know if you guys will be attending that one, until then, TURN IT UP!

Lasonic TRC-920

I don't think I will be doing the Santa Ana show. It's just too far away. When traffic is optimal, that's about 3+ hours from where I live. And if traffic is back, it's BAD!

Might be cool to go to Venice, but the cops might be dicks about the volume. :huh: We'll figure something out :yes:
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