Baptism of fire!

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Member (SA)
Last night I went over to a local collectors house, some of you may know him as Gluecifer or Rick...

Oh my god...

Nothing could have prepared me for the sensory overload that was his collection. I have only been collecting for just over a year and my favorite series of radios are the Sharp GF range... not well known for their amazing sound ( or bass), before yesterday I had never seen a Conion before, never seen a Lasonic, Big Ben, any of the quality minis...
I was absolutely blown away by the sound quality of his GF-535, then the Toshiba Bombeat ( I can't remember what model by this stage my brain had melted away and I was just sitting there with glazed eyes and a big dumb smile on my face :drool: )...
Then all of a sudden 3 or more hours had passed and I had to go home, but before I did there was one more he wanted me to hear.. the..

Taira RC-M90 Dreamblaster :jawdrop: :rock:

yeah, what can I say.. I didn't know a Boombox could sound like that. The hype is well deserved as far as I'm concerened that was somthing else.
I couldn't post this last night because there was far too much stuff running around inside my head, It has definitely changed my perspective on how I will go forward with my collecting.
A big thank you to Rick for letting me come over, he is one of the friendliest nicest guys you will ever meet. Hope I didn't talk your ears off too much and can't wait to come over again!!!


Member (SA)
The Shithouse is good people. You are a lucky man to see that fantastic collection....not to mention the Taira....she's a beauty.

Lasonic TRC-920

OH MAN, the jealously is running through my veins.

Rick is a true ICON of the Boombox world (among many others).

Makes any collectors knees weak!

Thanks for sharing :yes: :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have great blasters and STILL want to see Ricks place! So awesome congrats


Member (SA)
Yeah, I am under no illusions about how lucky I am to be able to witness a collection like that.
I seriously think I was only able to take in and appreciate around 15 boxes, it was all too much! I could go there 20 times and still be noticing new boxes.
When I left and drove home I was pulled over by the police and breath tested. Even though I hadn't had a drop of alchol I was still a bit worried cos I felt drunk! Boombox drunk... I was driving 10km under the speed limit as my mind tried to comprehend what it had just witnessed.

Lasonic TRC-920

GF-Glen said:
Yeah, I am under no illusions about how lucky I am to be able to witness a collection like that.
I seriously think I was only able to take in and appreciate around 15 boxes, it was all too much! I could go there 20 times and still be noticing new boxes.
When I left and drove home I was pulled over by the police and breath tested. Even though I hadn't had a drop of alchol I was still a bit worried cos I felt drunk! Boombox drunk... I was driving 10km under the speed limit as my mind tried to comprehend what it had just witnessed.
WOW....that's crazy....yep, your mind was wondering. No way to explain that one :sadno:


Member (SA)
Haha! It was totally kick arse having Glen over yesterday!! I hope it's the first of many,many visits.
Really looking forward to having a local friend collecting, something I was always jealous of with you
rockers who are adjacent to each other.

Lots of good times and great rock'n'roll!!

Rock On.
Nice one! Rick must be a hell of a guy with a collection to match!

I can see how some one would react to hearing an M90 if you're a specialist collector of Sharp boomboxes!! :-)

fresh produce

Member (SA)
If I could meet anyone from boomboxery Rick Shithouse would be on top of the list, i bet his house is like a museum all kinds of stuff to look at and it would be cool to get a pic of his Taira RC-M90 Dreamblaster with my Sony CFShithouse 500 :drool:


Boomus Fidelis
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "

Welcome to the Boombox Addiction!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:

The good thing is that you always love to have one like 'this or that' and makes life exciting!


Member (SA)
Great story :thumbsup: One of the best things about having these blasters is sharing them with friends who all love em just as much as I do, I think us California boyz are pretty fortunate to be able to do this on occasion with eachother, its always a good time. You were definitely "BOOMBOX DRUNK" :drunk:


Member (SA)
Nice one Glen, love the story to, getting breathalised is normally no laughing matter but that was kinda funny, you were Boomdrunk!

Im properly jealous, no collectors that i know of within hundreds of miles of me (just one kind of semi ex collector) :D
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