Badgers AKAI FS 480 score!

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Member (SA)
After many aborted eBay purchases recently - I finallyt get one delivered that seems to be OK

And not one that I have seen on here - or even any details on the web,

Looks ccol in pictures - although truth be told feels a little lightweight without batteries.

I'm liking the junior RX7700 vibe.

Anyone got any info on these vintage AKAI's?

ALSO - quelle surprise - there are som e faults - tape deck needs a demag (standard)
weirdly on cassette - stereo has no output to the left channel - but on mono it works.

any ideas?

sorry about the shitty pix - budget camera at work was borrowed from HR

Master Z

Member (SA)
Looks like a tank.
Clean the switch if it only works in mono, the function and mono/stereo switches.
Cool find and those matching speakers would be the icing on the cake. :-)


Member (SA)
Very nice looking Akai Claret Badger, it looks real tough.

I like the controls at the bottom, makes it look like a real Hi-Fi piece.


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
Hell to the yeah CB! You're the only one I know of that has one of these!! :thumbsup:
:agree: You're the only guy I know of that has one of these. I've never even seen this model Akai before. Great addition to your collection man. :cool:


Member (SA)
Badger short critique:

The knobs and tuner dial aren't as solid looking as the picture leads you to believe
(I'm contrasting with the Telefunken - which is proper hifi quality)

The cassette buttons are all colour coded - and when you activate any switch, this colour is displayed thru a cut out on the front of the box

Sound Quality
well - i ain't go a demag tape yet - so if anyone can recomend me a decent one - i'd appreciate it
on radio this thing jams - not loud just a decent quality sound
woofers aren't that strong on the bass - just a decent low down sound


The VU meters at the bottom - are not for recording levels!
One is for battery level
the other for tuning strength


this tuners is a peach - pulls in weak signals like a charm

Glad you all likey - I thought it was strange no one bid me up
but there wais a similar on one on the bay last week

[ebay]220633443196[/ebay] - went for PENCE!
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