Not been on for a while, lost a bit of interest and been putting more time into graffiti art. Anyway I got this bad boy today, great condition and fully working. This is probably the nicest looker I have ever had, good sound too and very loud. However I have a small problem with the aux input. My aux lead is loose when connected through the feature on the front of the box, this is kinda baffling as the lead don't fit so I get no sound. It reads aux on the selector switch but the actual port reads aux mic mixing on the left port, and and aux mic on the right one. I'm thinking I may need stereo jack adapters, and may have to use the mic mix feature for aux input like on the 9191. But do I need to use one port or both? The 9191 only has the 1 mic mix port but this bad boy has 2. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's a couple of pics to give you an idea of what I mean.