At Mmcodomino's place (Max's)

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Member (SA)
Well, having never, ever been able to make it to any other member's country (their place/home), or any Bbox meet any were in the world... this is my first to see in Life, True Living, Flesh & Blood, a cool ass collector from Germany and his WALL OF POWER!!!!!!!

Mr. Mmcodomino!!!!

I do have to say, the best three pieces he has are a National RX7200, a National-Panasonic RX5350 and a Sharp GF1000.....

Hummmm, am I saying that 'cause they used to be mine.... ???????? :-D

Naaa, really... the quality and model Bboxes he has is quite impresive (except maybe 5 of them, but this is me and my not liking the later part of the 80s' hollow crap finished boomers).

What we do have are 2 M90s (Victor and JVC), 2 RX5350 (National-Panasonic and National), Sharp GF 767, 777, 999, and 1000.

Sharp VZ2500 and 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can also talk about the BigBen, the RX7000, the 2 Victor M70 (with one being the gold trim finished model "GX" :chris920:

Not forgetting the RC550s, one being the silver cased model "LM" :drool:

And, I am going to stop here, for there are just too many beauts!!!!!

Later Dude and Dudettes


Boomus Fidelis
Now that's a dedicated collector...doesn't send the box to the tech to fix but brings the tech from another country to live in his house. Do you think Brian would do a world tour fixing boxes as he goes? :)


Member (SA)
Thanx to Max and Brian.

It was a gorgeous event.

It was very expressed from his high performance collection.

The progress of his wall compared to 2010 is unbelievable !!! :clap:

Now I am at home, some pics will follow...


Member (SA)
Here are some pics :D

National vs. 880:
Surprisingly they were really close to each other soundwise...


National Panasonic vs. National. The National clearly won.


BB40....doesn't need introduction :)


Brian's first time with a C100. :D


The battle of the really good boxes. Still the M90 took the show ;).


The line up we had playing for most of the day:


And shortly before the meeting was over we decided to do a little outdoor soundcheck :)



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Absolutely fantastic!! Ralf, it is nice to see the "nuclear" CS-880 again. :-) Wow! Wow! Wow!

Hey Max, how did this meeting get planned?


Member (SA)
Brian is on his way back home as I post this.

Once again, thank you for coming over and for the great time we spent. :)
It surely was a blast!



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Member (SA)
mmcodomino said:
Brian is on his way back home as I post this.

Once again, thank you for coming over and for the great time we spent. :)
It surely was a blast!


Those big Pannys Brian is holding make the GF1000's in the background look tiny :-)


Boomus Fidelis
That pic of Brian made me chuckle....that's pretty much the face any of us would pull when holding those two beauties lol! :)
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