are there any good boomboxes made today

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Boomus Fidelis
wowminister said:
I lurvvvvvvvvv my Altec Lansing.

I would love a tdk as well but they are quite the expense.
:agree: :agree: my altec Lansing gets used the most out of of any boomer I have :thumbsup: The TDK looks awesome and I can't wait for the price to come down :drool: But I am still 1st and foremost a Lasonic man that's why I have 3 i931's ;-) :-D


Member (SA)
Three Lasonics...

The cost of those puppies must be low compaired to the UK, coz they aint cheap.

Nice though...

I think I will wait for the sub $200 TDK three speaker :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
wowminister said:
I think I will wait for the sub $200 TDK three speaker :yes:
The 3 speaker TDK is at $500 here in the states and it will be a while before it drops :sadno: and I don't think anywhere near a $200 range in US :hmmm:


Member (SA)
If the new TDK's actually had a CD player and cassette deck they would be freaking amazing!! Plenty of room on that 3 speaker model to put both a slot-loading CD player (burner perhaps even) and even a simple slot-loading cassette deck .....a full-logic auto reversing deck would have been awesome but I'd settle for a simple player only with the single FF/Eject.

Come on now; I really think TDK (and other companies) are alienating an entire market segment by not at least putting a CD deck on these things!! :nonono: :hmmm: I understand the tape deck, but CD's? Yes sales may be down due to digital media files but the format ain't going anywhere anytime soon. My 2 cents :-)


Boomus Fidelis
wow we all know that electronic nowadays are made only for a few years gone are those 25 30 year boxes ,, i belive its more of a i can make money selling u a box that will only last 2 or 3 years then u trash and buy another one :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:


Boomus Fidelis
I have 5 different new boxes of this day and age... The Lasonic I931 in 3 different colors, the new jvc Kaboom, the Altec Lansing, the new chelco brand with tape deck and the innovative Technology 1980i...I love them all, but can't wait for the new TDK 3 speaker :drool: :drool: :-D
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