Are Prices Suddenly Going Through The Roof?

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Lasonic TRC-920

OK, I haven't been doing this as long as many of you, but it seems like I am seeing an escalation of just STUPID prices and people seem to be buying :-O

Tonight on eBay (US) I'm seeing some really ridicules pricing for some "So So" radios. Even some crappy radios with Big BIN prices.

I know there are some hard to find radio's but some of these prices are M90 / C100F prices for Large, yet off brand radios. It just seems a bit over the top in my opinion. I also know that some of these off brand radios, Big as they may be, are going to have crappy build quality and even worse sound.

I'm just wondering what the guys who have been in the game for a while see.

Are the prices going up?

Is the popularity becoming more main stream and there for Demand and Supply is changing the pricing curve?

I do allot of "Watch This Item" lurking, just to see where something may go and I keep being BLOWN AWAY but some of these prices. Most recently Skippy posted this thread: for a $1,125 Marantz PMS-6000. I guess it must be rarer than a VZ-2000, but heck, you rarely see VZ's over $1,000 (from time to time you do).

Anyway....I'm just a little "Drop Jawed" at the whole thing and a little pissed when there is something I would like to have, but the prices are just too stupid for me to even think about.

Your Thoughts....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I think a lot of those "so so" radios have some shill bidding going on. A good example is Vladi's post here:


Sellers might be trying to spark interest in their auctions by making it appear that there is a lot of demand for a certain boombox.

Then you also have this scenario:

1) Seller lists a "so so" boombox.

2) Has friends bid on and eventually win the boombox for some outrageous amount.

3) Has another friend list the exact same boombox in another auction for a slightly less outrageous price and quote the original auction as a "trend".

The only caveat is, the boombox might not sell the second time and the original owner is out some money on fees. If the boombox does sell the second time at the slightly less outrageous price, the original owner still comes out way ahead.

It sounds like a Hollywood movie, but unfortunately I have seen it at least twice in all my years of eBaying.

Lasonic TRC-920

Fatdog said:
I think a lot of those "so so" radios have some shill bidding going on. A good example is Vladi's post here:


Sellers might be trying to spark interest in their auctions by making it appear that there is a lot of demand for a certain boombox.

Then you also have this scenario:

1) Seller lists a "so so" boombox.

2) Has friends bid on and eventually win the boombox for some outrageous amount.

3) Has another friend list the exact same boombox in another auction for a slightly less outrageous price and quote the original auction as a "trend".

The only caveat is, the boombox might not sell the second time and the original owner is out some money on fees. If the boombox does sell the second time at the slightly less outrageous price, the original owner still comes out way ahead.

It sounds like a Hollywood movie, but unfortunately I have seen it at least twice in all my years of eBaying.

Wow, I had no idea that was happening. There is always a con artist working every possible angle. Tonight I saw a BIN radio for $899. It's an off brand, big radio, but no 777 or M90. Maybe that's what's happening with this one.

I don't care about resale, so I'm not looking to find a great deal, just to flip the radio and make money. I just want what I want and I let my eyes and ears (and some members opinions) guide the way.

It's just frustrating when I want a TRC-922 and I see $500 listings! :sad: :sad:

For crying out loud, It's a Lasonic...I have many of them....I know the quality! :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
ebay is odd right now -
like i thought this would sell in the first 24 hours :huh: ... 2561f559aa

That Panny's a beaut for sure, but has a broken arial hold so that will affect pricing. I was actually looking at it sort of wanting to buy, but $100 is a bit up there, and with that bbroken plastic, I couldn't do it.
I do agree some boxes are rediculous tho, like this one ... 4157685d8e
I mean, i want it as much as the next guy, but $300? Ah, I'll pass ;)


Staff member
I understand that prices can seem high to you Chris but the Marantz 6000 that just sold is NOT a so so box and not a good example of what you are trying to express.. That marantz is superduper rare and yes, you don't see VZ2000's sell for over $1000 often but then again, you'll see 50 VZ's pass by before seeing one of these beauties. It's all gold color and it's not a small box neither. The RX-5500 that sold for huge $$$$$$$'s, like another member stated, is a far better example of an unusually high price. I also think that maybe luck has a lot to do with things. Some auctions still sell lower than expected and some sell higher. 2 guys that just happens to want that thing at the right time is all it takes to equal the perfect eBay high $$ storm.

As for the bids, I don't see anything unusual about this auction. That's pretty common for prices to jump in the final seconds. THAT is called sniping and the most frequently used strategy because nobody wants to show their cards early. But that Bently09 guy is definitely bidding on his own auctions. If you dig deep enough, you'll see what I'm saying but then again, the guy is a newbie.

BTW, before the auction closed, there were like 10 zillion watchers for that marantz so it definitely did not escape notice.

Lasonic TRC-920

Superduper said:
I understand that prices can seem high to you Chris but the Marantz 6000 that just sold is NOT a so so box and not a good example of what you are trying to express.. That marantz is superduper rare and yes, you don't see VZ2000's sell for over $1000 often but then again, you'll see 50 VZ's pass by before seeing one of these beauties. It's all gold color and it's not a small box neither. The RX-5500 that sold for huge $$$$$$$'s, like another member stated, is a far better example of an unusually high price. I also think that maybe luck has a lot to do with things. Some auctions still sell lower than expected and some sell higher. 2 guys that just happens to want that thing at the right time is all it takes to equal the perfect eBay high $$ storm.

As for the bids, I don't see anything unusual about this auction. That's pretty common for prices to jump in the final seconds. THAT is called sniping and the most frequently used strategy because nobody wants to show their cards early. But that Bently09 guy is definitely bidding on his own auctions. If you dig deep enough, you'll see what I'm saying but then again, the guy is a newbie.

BTW, before the auction closed, there were like 10 zillion watchers for that marantz so it definitely did not escape notice.

I figured that Marantz was a rare bird and probably not the best example....It's just so all over the place. It has made me wonder if the "Boombox Sport" has gotten so popular that we will continue to see the prices go up. I'm sure the answer to that is YES!

I mean, we're here because of our age group. We are the 70's and 80's kids going after things we loved in our youth and there are still LOTS of people out there that have yet to discover what we already know.

I just need to get all my dream radio's FIRST! :lol: :yes:


Staff member
Right Chris. Because even if you had $1125 right now, you might not be able to find another one of those nice rare Marantz's, although if you ask nicely, I might sell you one. :lol: :lol: :dunce:

But we understand where you are coming from.


Member (SA)
The seems to be a magic upper limit to boombox prices, which is right around 1000$ now. At over over that number and it gets everyones attention. I suspect that is why the marantz didnt go much over 1k.

However, I predict that sometime soon, 2 bidders will snipe at each other and raise a bid to over 2k, or even 5k. Then we will have a new normal, and rare 1000$ boomboxes will not seem like a bad investment anymore.

Lasonic TRC-920

Superduper said:
Right Chris. Because even if you had $1125 right now, you might not be able to find another one of those nice rare Marantz's, although if you ask nicely, I might sell you one. :lol: :lol: :dunce:

But we understand where you are coming from.

:w00t: :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Oh Super, believe me....I know enough people on this site, that if I really want something....I'm sure I could get it....Thanks for the offer....Next time I have $1,125 I'll hit you up!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

restocat said:
The seems to be a magic upper limit to boombox prices, which is right around 1000$ now. At over over that number and it gets everyones attention. I suspect that is why the marantz didnt go much over 1k.

However, I predict that sometime soon, 2 bidders will snipe at each other and raise a bid to over 2k, or even 5k. Then we will have a new normal, and rare 1000$ boomboxes will not seem like a bad investment anymore.

I have thought of the same...$1,000 did used to seem like the top, but we do see, from time to time, higher numbers, rare, but it happens.

Personally, I'd like to see $100 Pristine M90's :lol: :lol: :thumbsup: :yes:


Member (SA)
I notice prices going up recently in the tax season. I listed a couple of boomboxes on ebay and got way more than what I expected.
For example I sold a Sanyo M9994[ebay]250776355615[/ebay] not too long ago, and the price jumped 100 dollars in the last seconds. I'm not not one of those sellers that have multiple accounts and bid up my own item, so don't get the wrong idea :-P .

However, once the radio reached $150 it was basically a battle between two bidders. When there was only a couple seconds remaining a random bidder just won the auction. Too bad for those two fighting bidders.
I only expected to earn $200 or so for the radio, even less considering the tape didn't work. I've seen them go on ebay for $150 or so. So I thought I'd get around the same price.

I guess people have a lot of money to spend, makes me wonder how much I can get for the other stuff in my collection.
Good for sellers but, bad for buyers as I cannot keep up with these high prices.

Master Z

Member (SA)
Don't "keep up with the high prices", go hunting instead! They're out there waiting for you.
Beleive it. :w00t:

Lasonic TRC-920

Tacooooooo said:
I notice prices going up recently in the tax season. I listed a couple of boomboxes on ebay and got way more than what I expected.
For example I sold a Sanyo M9994[ebay]250776355615[/ebay] not too long ago, and the price jumped 100 dollars in the last seconds. I'm not not one of those sellers that have multiple accounts and bid up my own item, so don't get the wrong idea :-P .

However, once the radio reached $150 it was basically a battle between two bidders. When there was only a couple seconds remaining a random bidder just won the auction. Too bad for those two fighting bidders.
I only expected to earn $200 or so for the radio, even less considering the tape didn't work. I've seen them go on ebay for $150 or so. So I thought I'd get around the same price.

I guess people have a lot of money to spend, makes me wonder how much I can get for the other stuff in my collection.
Good for sellers but, bad for buyers as I cannot keep up with these high prices.

Wow, you did do good on that one. Just amazing. eBay is a weird animal....

Master Z said:
Don't "keep up with the high prices", go hunting instead! They're out there waiting for you.
Beleive it. :w00t:

Now those are some words of encouragement! I do hit my local "Name Your Own Price" store and "Thrift Stores". I have only gotten two radio's this way, no grails....But you never know! I always have hope.


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
ebay is odd right now -
like i thought this would sell in the first 24 hours :huh: ... 2561f559aa
Eh, I think that box is appropriately priced......It's not such a "slamming deal" that someone would pounce on it immediately, which is why it's still there.

Personally I dont' think there's been any big escalation in prices. The ones you see that fetch huge prices are usually because that particular model hasn't appeared on Ebay for several months. The ones that appear every single week, like M70's and GF777's and GF9191's, aren't increasing in prices.
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