Anyone seen or own one of these?

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
More than a handful of members own these. They originally sold at Kohl's Dept. Stores for about $100.

There is a youtube video review on them too. Search around.


Boomus Fidelis
those are nice with great features but the i931 will kick this things ass all over the place on looks and sound . :-P .

that box has all the cool shiat the i931 should have had though except size if they would have made those bigger and got rid of those hokey speaker grills there would be more potential ,but if a dude with a big ghetto blaster comes along you could look mighty weak holding that box no matter what cool features it has .

my problem is i'm battle minded and if a box can't battle it ain't no box for me , oh my bad there are actually people who like these so my opinion doesn't matter just blabbering off , damn i suck :lol: .


Well-Known Member
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JVC Floyd said:
those are nice with great features but the i931 will kick this things ass all over the place on looks and sound . :-P .

100% agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Member (SA)
oh, I'm sure volume-wise; maybe even sound quality-wise, the i931 would stomp all over this one....but this seems much more authentic to our beloved classics than the i931.......I hate to use the word 'cheezy' here, but.........that fake analog tuner and other blingy graphics just drive me nuts. What they should've done was to take out the bottom tape deck; put the mp3 player dock in that space, and leave the rest as is, including the slot loader deck. Now THAT would've been an awesome re-issue!! But I know this has been posted to death on here so I'll go back to my corner now.
Well anyway you guys are right on about the speaker grills....they need to go. LOL

Lasonic TRC-920

JVC Floyd said:
my problem is i'm battle minded and if a box can't battle it ain't no box for me ,

I feel the same way, a little 1980's left over I guess! :lol:

However, for $49, I would add one to the collection!


Member (SA)
Ive got one, i actually use it quite alot, its kind of become the kitchen box. I also have an i931x which is much better.


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