Anyone know Blasterpunk? I'm at a loss why he's MIA

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Member (SA)
I paid for a box from him over a month ago via paypal, and I haven't heard anything in weeks, no tracking number or even just an excuse why I haven't. I see he was on the board even sometime today and has posted in recent days so we know he's alright and has access to my messages. I've sent him private messages on the board and emailed directly. I don't know what else to try, so if anyone has any ideas on how to get a hold of him.

Thoughts? Really thought I'd get screwed outta a purchase over ebay before someone on this board. Hope it's not the case but what am I to think when I get no communication over a month after accepting my paypal payment. Lame-O


Member (SA)
Dude, all I can say is don't worry.

Peter is a guy of his word. He has lots of stress going on and your boombox is not the only one that waits for shipping at his storage :yes: .
I have seen many of them packed in bubble wrap already.
Which boombox did you buy?

He does the best packing and is probably just searching the right box for your one.

Do not take it personally if he does nto answer PMs, I know him well enough to know he is just trying to be everywhere at the same time :lol: .

You are going to get a perfectly packaged boombox and perfect condition :yes: :super:


Member (SA)
Thanks for the quick reply and words of confidence. I just figured that if someone has time to post on a message board month, they'd have the 20 seconds it'd take to communicate an update with someone after accepting their money with no delay. Maybe I'm just spoiled after buying a few off James and his communication on my purchases, but even on ebay I've never had something take this long for basic updates. Oh well, back to watching the snow melt......


Boomus Fidelis
Yes,I agree with Max. :agree:
Peter is a great guy but he has a lot going on and a little slow. :yes: :yes:
Don't worry.............. :huh: :-D
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