Anyone have a 3D printer?

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Member (SA)
Hey, with the prices of classic boxes getting so completely crazy, I'm thinking of building a new box with all the modern amenities but with a classic look. You may be thinking i931 but my ambition is much higher. My focus will be on sound quality/power and design aesthetics.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has a 3D printer and if they've ever tried making a new front panel that looks classic? How much would the materials and labor cost to have something like this done? I'm thinking I'd build a ported cabinet out of MDF and attach a nicely designed front piece to give it a better look/feel, prime it all to a smooth uniform finish, find some nice chromed grill covers, design some circuits for LED VU meters, etc.



Member (SA)
From my experience with 3d printers it might prove more cost-effective to have a male mold milled from mfd that you could perhaps vac-form over, or make a matching male/female set and then cast your cover. Making a rapid-prototyped cover, M70 sized and larger, would cost more than you or I would ever want to spend. The other issue is finding a maching that could do it, as most have size restrictions so to find a machine that large would also add a premium to the piece no doubt.
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