Anyone Ever Fly with a box???

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Member (SA)
Anyone ever carry on a smaller boombox on a commercial flight???
Im looking to travel with my Altec im-800 but dont want to get hassled at the gate.
Any info appreciated.

Master Z

Member (SA)
I think you won't have a problem with the Altec. You could easily place it in a carry on duffel or bag.
Since its modern looking I bet you won't get hassled if you carried it by itself. If u carry an older box chances are you would raise suspicion. Because regular folk can't handle how cool Boomboxes are. :cool:

Try getting on board with a Conion! :w00t:

Lasonic TRC-920

hemiguy2006 said:
Anyone ever carry on a smaller boombox on a commercial flight???
Im looking to travel with my Altec im-800 but dont want to get hassled at the gate.
Any info appreciated.

Hey Hemi, this very thing has been going through my mind as well. I'm sure if this was 1979 this really wouldn't be an issue, but lets be real, with security the way it is and the fact that 0.001% of the population now owns these radios anymore, people would be looking at you like "HE'S GOT A BOMB IN THAT RADIO!"

Of course if you don't hear them correctly and you say..."Why Yes, This radio is THE bomb!" that could get you in trouble as well. :lol:

But they will be scanning it, just like a laptop computer or anything else that goes on the plane.

The real questions are:

Is it safer for the RADIO to be carried on or just to pack it good and ship it?

I mean, so you get it on the plane with out a hassle. NOW WHAT?

Is it going to sit on your lap the whole flight?

Is it going on the floor next to your feet, with the chance that you or someone else will be kicking it for the whole flight?

AND what about turbulence? If it's under the seat and the plane takes a quick drop, your radio is going to be laying on it's back and hit the bottom of the seat then the floor again. Possibly many many times! Not Good! :sadno:

Is it going in the over head bin? That doesn't sound like a good idea as the over head bins are hard plastic, plus Johnny "I Don't Give A F#@k" is going to crush his bag in the same bin with your radio and now you have a problem.

I have thought about this, but haven't figured it out either.

I do think it would be cool to strut through the airport with my big ass radio and my old school big ass headphones and curly cord! PLUS when on the plane you could finally drowned out the ROAR of those engines! Not sure the stewardess would go for that. Even with head phones the guy next to you would get a full dose! :lol:

Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
Leave your stuff at home, when you get to NYC, stop at LLOPEZ's place, and take your pick of killer boxes.
He will rent you out at a fair rate I'm sure.


Member (SA)
:-D Remember me at the Sunshine, Well I flew with the Panasonic RX A5, A2(6400) and another boombox I dont remember right now but I flew with 3 big boomboxes and back, So yes Frank can do it. Hope to see u before u leave man. :-D

Master Z

Member (SA)
Did you fly with your Conion???

Yeah but I checked it with my luggage. I bubble wrapped and doule boxed it. So it was pretty safe. That and I watched the handlers load it on the plane and off. Lol!


Member (SA)
Altec + flying is AOK. The gal at the xray was very intrigued. She wanted to know,
A. Is it loud
B. Where could she get one.
Very cool !!
I think with the proper marketing Altec would sell a ton of these.
I get compliments where ever I go with it.
Any how, very excited sitting at the gate with my wonderful family right now.
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