I have never experienced anything like that. However, at some point, eBay did change the way they handle payments after they divested themselves from PayPal. I have 2 paypal accounts, a business paypal and a personal paypal. In the past, I chose the account to pay based on what I purchased. Then one day, eBay behaved as if you can only have a single paypal account, and you could no longer pay using paypal balance. They want to deduct from your bank account only, or if you choose paypal as your funding source, they want to access the non-balance paypal source which isn't what I want. Usually I can get around this by choosing paypal credit, at which time, I can choose paypal balance during checkout. However, if I decide to place a "best offer", eBay won't let me pay with paypal balance, so I need to either choose a bank account method, or a credit card method. The reason is that if an offer is accepted, your account is instantly charged and you won't have the opportunity to check-out and choose a payment method. This change meant that I can no longer place best offers because I don't want the amount taken from my bank account, when I intend to use paypal balance. It sucks and I shop on eBay a lot less than I used to, as they keep implementing changes that make it less desirable. Don't even get me started on their commission which now amounts to around 15% and no longer is capped, even on expensive sales.