Any computer guys can help?

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Staff member
I'm looking for those foam sheets, the kind you find under the boxed retail motherboards that are dark grey in color. If you've never installed a computer motherboard before, then you probably don't know what I'm talking about.

I'm trying to replace some speaker foam (behind grill) that somebody removed (to improve the looks) and those foam sheets are really perfect replacement material. Wish I knew where to get some from.


Staff member
Yep. Looks like those, but the ones I'm thinking of is only 1/8 or 3/16" in thick. Those foam looks like they might be thick stuff.


Member (SA)
Super I have a couple but they are both pink :-/ . If you have a place around the builds computers or even works on them, I bet they would have the gray ones your lookin for. If your desperate you could probably spay these the color you need. lmk


Staff member
Thanks Eric. I've seen the pink ones before too but I don't think spraying them would work. There are too many holes and cells to cover and I'm pretty sure spraying enough paint to cover 100% will probably result in a stiff foam sheet. I need to work it between a couple of very tight spots and all that bending/flexing will probably cause the paint to fleck off or crumble. Actually, there are other colors that would work but pink.....

OTOH, I wonder if dyeing the foam gray or black would work. :hmmm: :huh:


Member (SA)
Hi Norm-I know what your talking about.
My friend fixes computers and had ordered motherboards.
I'll see if he has any of those around.I got some of the thicker ones but have used them for protecting the front of a couple of my boomboxes that are boxed up for storage.
I'll let you know by tonight-Take care-Jeff. :-)


Member (SA)
Hi Norm-Sorry-He threw them away back when he got them.
He relaced a couple of motherboards about 2 years ago for some customers but nothing lately.
Good luck finding some of that size of foam.-GB. :-)


Member (SA)
NO dice Bud. :-/ They had no clue what I was talking about. Some IT dept we have... Ha! :nonono: :lol: :lol:


Staff member
What?!? An IT guy that never saw those foam pads? :lol: :lol: I must be REALLY old skool... Way back I thought everyone built their own computers. :hmmm:
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