Another roadside find...... And she's real old!

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Hi Guys,

About a month ago, I found a couple of radios out the front of another house that were looking very lonely! :-) One was a smallish Sharp AM deluxe radio with a solid cast front panel and solid steel control knobs and beside it was a more interesting larger radio tape player.

It looked complete and intact apart from a broken handle base. Let me introduce the National Model SG-149 from 1972!! Think of it as a pre-FM mono VZ2000. :-)

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The previous owner had cut the fixed AC cable so the first thing to do was replace the cable so I could start testing the old girl. It has two rear covers, one for the battery compartment and the other for the power cord compartment. The rear battery cover has 2 spare cassette slots included.
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After plugging it in, nothing worked. But after cleaning all the pots and particularly the power switch, full function was restored. The tape is also working but will need belts soon.
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I'm sitting there thinking this thing is really thick until I pull down on the switch on the front cover and then realise it has an internal record player! :-) This thing must have cost a packet back in the day. The side panels and internal chassis are all steel making it a very solid piece of kit.

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The record player is a direct drive and automatically senses the size and thus the speed required for the record you're playing.

It has speakers in the rear section that play 'through' the front phono/tape deck panel!
Anyway, it's a pretty ordinary sounding unit but as a now fully working unit, I think it deserves to survive it's brush with the crusher! :-)
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Boomus Fidelis
hell i woulda grabbed it too. i'm a sucker for the under dog. fully working hell that leaves a lot of **** looking stupid because most other units would have 17 problems.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Solid State! That's definitely one I have never seen. Good on ya for saving it.


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
WOW, was shocked to see the turn table open!

Way too cool, and to have the record sensor too? Just a great piece of engineering and ingenuity.

Great save!


Member (SA)
awesome old its looks,solid build.youre never going to get mega bass levels from a portable record player so it doesnt matter really-well saved from the crusher :yes:
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