Hi People!

Saw this one on Ebay & really wasn't sure whether it was a worthwhile punt - As you will see from the first image, it's barely identifiable!

This has been a real saga, seller didn't want to post due to size etc (Yawn) so there have been serious delays actually getting it here while all the time just hoping my hunch was right & would it all be worth it..................
It was worth the wait & worry - It is what appears to be quite a rare bird:
A Fisher PH-460LG Compo & it's not only huge but fully loaded with all the good stuff!!

Really badly packed made it even more of a miracle it wasn't damaged, just cardboard no bubble wrap & the whole thing yellow & nicotine stained to boot

I have to say, this Sanyo built stereo is a real corker - Soft touch deck (Dead) manual level controls with Dolby & led meters! Excellent tuner pulls in stations better than most along with a powerful amp with bass treble & loudness!! Line in, Phono in & Line out Rca's, twin aerials.........the list goes on!

The tape deck was no picnic to re-belt - I recently bought a set of hooking tools which meant I could loosen the flywheel retainer just enough to free the old belt then slip the new one over the flywheel & use the hooking tool to hook it over the motor, then turn the flywheel by hand to ease it on - Prior to replacing the belt I had to reset the soft touch mechanism to the stop position............there really is no room to access the deck & there was no way I wanted to remove it from the front panel, a huge undertaking & something I really wasn't up for!!
Once reassembled cleaning started - We cleaned for over 3 hours over & over until it was pretty much mint

Tape works faultlessly now with a small azimuth adjustment & deep clean of the heads & pinch roller - Even the music search is perfect!!
These things go loud, very loud & look amazing

Just so chuffed with what I ended up with late last night once it was all finished

Just look at the piss poor Ebay image lol - Would you have gone for it??
Love it
