An alternative to expensive reel tapes....

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Boomus Fidelis
Most people would say......
That this is a very boring-looking tape.......:hmmm: :huh:


BUT, when installed in a color-coordinated this GE:





Member (SA)
Great minds think alike, Reli. :yes: I've been doing this too.
Its just impossible to fill every boombox with a reel cassette. :no:
And prices of those cassettes are getting higher & higher. :yes:


Staff member
redbenjoe said:
....based on the brilliant content this thread....
where exactly are the great minds ????????? ...

Getting ready to go to bed...while the retired, semi retired sit and post all night, then all day while we work... ;-) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Aside from the drivel I just typed, that's a cool idea Reli. And I had forgot about those old K-Mart brand tapes. The labels came in yellow, red, green, gray, and black. Possibly gray too. :-)


Staff member
BMoney said:
The great minds are still trying to I.D. the girl surfing with a paddle. :lol: :-P

I don't know about minds, but that's pretty good eyesight. Because I sure thought it was one of those sticks they use to push the rafts around vietnam and the amazon.


I Am Legend
well --lemme add my own idea --to try and live up to the great minds involved here :-O :-D

there was a time when the 'reel clear' brand was soooo cheap -remember ?

i painted a few --on the 'nothing to lose' notion :lol: :drool: :dunce: :surf: :cool:



Member (SA)
Superduper said:
BMoney said:
The great minds are still trying to I.D. the girl surfing with a paddle. :lol: :-P

I don't know about minds, but that's pretty good eyesight. Because I sure thought it was one of those sticks they use to push the rafts around vietnam and the amazon.
:lol: That's funny, Norm!
Yup, that's how they do it in Vietnam. :yes: :-D :surf:



Staff member
Well, if the paint attempt is the one on the left, then......... :thumbsup:

OTOH, if the paint attempt is the one on the right, then............. :thumbsdown: FAIL ! :-O :grim:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
well --lemme add my own idea --to try and live up to the great minds involved here :-O :-D

there was a time when the 'reel clear' brand was soooo cheap -remember ?

i painted a few --on the 'nothing to lose' notion :lol: :drool: :dunce: :surf: :cool:

[ Image ]
That's gangster, Ira. :lol: Does it look good in a deck though? :hmmm:


Staff member
I must say though that when it comes to the old man, there's often method to the perceived madness. Me thinks Ira is trying to make sure the gangsters don't steal his boombox, so in that case, Yep! That'll do it. :yes: :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
oldskool69 said:
Aside from the drivel I just typed, that's a cool idea Reli. And I had forgot about those old K-Mart brand tapes. The labels came in yellow, red, green, gray, and black. Possibly gray too. :-)
It's a Kmart tape? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll have to look for more.....My RC838 is crying out for a green one :yes:


Member (SA)
Big fan of doing this, love going through my tapes to find the 'right' one to enhance the aesthetics on a boombox.

Can often get much nicer colour ways than using reels, as they're fairly limited in the colours they come in.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Big fan of doing this, love going through my tapes to find the 'right' one to enhance the aesthetics on a boombox.

Can often get much nicer colour ways than using reels, as they're fairly limited in the colours they come in.

Rock On.
:agree: . Thats one of my favorite ways too. And some demo cassettes in the tray are top notch too .
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