Always Room For More

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Member (SA)
Managed to get another shelf in my living room!


For those at home keeping score the new one runs along the top of the window. Just the right height
for a few choice midsizers!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer's Museum Of Modern Culture.

Fantastic mate, I can just imagine the missus' reaction if I do something like that in the living room, mind you most of the living room is roof to floor glass anyway. The lounge room, now that's a different story. hehehe


Member (SA)
Your house is like the ultimate man-cave!!... :-D ...the wife definitely wouldn't go for that but at least I was able to get one room for my own little man-cave. Good stuff Glue... :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Which one do you use the most? It looks like a highland appliance, abc warehouse, or jr music sound room back in the mid eighties. I had to put my blasters in various rooms throughout the house so my poot wouldn't be overwelmed by the constant creeping of various 80's electronics. I would go crazy if she had 30 easy bake ovens throughout the house .


Member (SA)
Heya Zorlac!
Haha, of late I've been using the i931 to carry around and my BigBen and M90 at home.
They get shuffled around pretty regularly though. Always good to share the love around.

Good luck with the WX-1, rocker.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Hey Rick,

Collection's looking great mate! Star Wars gear's looking good in the background too! :-D :-D :-D


Member (SA)
Yeah, I wish I still had my M90. I'm always looking for my old M90 with a distinct scratch on the chrome tweeter ports. That came into my shop on trade for some vintage skateboard parts. When I sold it M90's were already up to $1,000.00 but for some reason mine only got to $300.00. the electronic tape mechs were the only thing that needed reapairs, someone got a good deal on that fersho'.
How does that Big Ben sound? Is it bassy? what size are the mains (woofers)?


Member (SA)
Nice spot there Rick! WOW!

Is that a GF-9292 front turned into a Mac keyboard holder I see in the bottom right corner???? If so, great idea!!!! :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
wow glue thats how i would like to see mine :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: hopefully when i get my home built i will add a room for all of my boxes :yes: :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
Thanks guys!

JT: haha yeah, it is. Bloody mac keyboards are tiny. This adds some necessary size and coolness to the design!

Rock On.
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