Advice for Sharp GX-33 Z needed

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Member (SA)
Did somebody get in touch with Sharp GX-33 Z ? I ve been offered one in really mint condition (quite pricey tough). Never seen one in person. Cant find lot of info in the net too. Just found this info in Recall Sharp
Not really sure what to do. Just ordered one VZ 2500 and must get rid (sell)of the VZ probably to earn cash for this 33 :hmmm: . Any opinion appreciated :yes: . Why the things are goin always that way :lol: . But this 33 looks massive :hmmm: .


Boomus Fidelis
it does look bad ass must be rare :w00t: , i think once you get the vz 2500 you might change your mind :lol: unless you already have one in that case i say go for the big black beast ,just keep in mind the vz 2500 is just about the exact same size as the 777 i got both sitting in front of me :-D .


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
it does look bad ass must be rare :w00t: , .
Thats bothered me. Never seen another one in any tread and for selling looks virtually impossible. Will see. Will travel 300 km to this guy to see the box in person. Looks really bad ass. Im not into black boxes (have just one black- SJ) but this sharp is nearly 1 meter long :w00t: . And this guy (the seller) is into PA equipment and he told me- "dont worry the Sharp is not cheapo black plastic its first class item" :w00t: . I was hoping somebody was seeing it in live. Next weekend will hit the road to see it :thumbsup: .


Member (SA)
The gx33 look kinda nice......................BUT GO THE VZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try get both but if I had to pick, i'd go the VZ. There's something pretty special about seeing that record spin vertically :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
If you want me to be really honest: Keep the VZ2500 because it is a very great box...

And to be honest - I do not like those long black boxes...I don't understand the hype about the Big Berchera (or whatever it is called) and similar boxes.
I say stay oldschool and keep the VZ2500 :yes:


Member (SA)
If it were me i'd go for the GX since VZ2500s are quite common, or more common than that GX beast.
Plus, there is nothing quite like having a really nice Shapr box that you know is rare as rocking horse poop.

Pickup a VZ2500 later on.


Member (SA)
docs said:
If it were me i'd go for the GX since VZ2500s are quite common, or more common than that GX beast.
Plus, there is nothing quite like having a really nice Shapr box that you know is rare as rocking horse poop.

Pickup a VZ2500 later on.
Im thinking the same way. VZ is arriving tomorrow (fingers crossed) anyway (already payed it). The guys who are after 2500 stay tuned. It may be straight away for selling :yes: . the deal is - i prefer a lot boxes whit led VUs . And this GX have leds as well :lol: . If somebody make me a offer for better looking box with massive leds for trade can make all things other way :lol: . So for those of you reading this tread and are after VZ2500 here is the pre-order opportunity probably :lol: .

shane higgins

Member (SA)
i had a parts box of this sharp its crap very cheap
get the vz no questions
about the size of the gf800 but not the same sound
i threw mine out as it was melted all under neather the box
the bass made the speakers sound shiat
radio was very good with no arieal


Member (SA)
shane higgins said:
i had a parts box of this sharp its crap very cheap
get the vz no questions
about the size of the gf800 but not the same sound
i threw mine out as it was melted all under neather the box
the bass made the speakers sound shiat
radio was very good with no arieal
Thanks Shane. Ill step out in this case. Save me a long trip to see it in person :yes: . The VZ is arriving tomorrow anyway. But its goin for sell or trade - i need boxes whit LED meters (im after look not a "grail" status :lol: ) and some reel to reel cassettes :lol: . Shame that VZ 2500 dont have VU s :nonono: .
And thanks one more time Shane. Thats the second time you are helping me to make a right choice. Respect :yes: .
Thanks to all of you guys. I was not comparing the VZ and GX. Just was in some real "wont it" mess about this GX :lol: . And the seller was askin for insane money. There was no way to give em this money for cheap black plastic when i get there. And i was changing my mind every couple of hours :lol: . But its nice to save disappointing 600 km round trip :yes: .


Member (SA)
shane higgins said:
i had a parts box of this sharp its crap very cheap
get the vz no questions
about the size of the gf800 but not the same sound
i threw mine out as it was melted all under neather the box
the bass made the speakers sound shiat
radio was very good with no arieal

Shane, I think you're wrong. I have GF-800, and it's kinda small. This GX-33 thing is 37 inches wide - probably three times as big as GF-800. Also, after reading the description on Recall Sharp - they say it was kind of a replacement for HK-9000, and it has an amazing sound quality.
In any case - my vote goes for GX-33 :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Wow im going more confused :-) . Anyway ive put the VZ2500 for selling here. If she sold i can make that trip to see GX33 in live just to see it at the end and will take decision on the front of him :lol: .
Thanks Vlad

shane higgins

Member (SA)
vladi123456 said:
shane higgins said:
i had a parts box of this sharp its crap very cheap
get the vz no questions
about the size of the gf800 but not the same sound
i threw mine out as it was melted all under neather the box
the bass made the speakers sound shiat
radio was very good with no arieal

Shane, I think you're wrong. I have GF-800, and it's kinda small. This GX-33 thing is 37 inches wide - probably three times as big as GF-800. Also, after reading the description on Recall Sharp - they say it was kind of a replacement for HK-9000, and it has an amazing sound quality.
In any case - my vote goes for GX-33 :thumbsup:

ops sorry thinking of the wrong box yes you a right 9000 is its size but not sound
owell i got mixed up yes this is a long box not gf 800 size sorry my mix up
a least some one is reading my stuff
are you a school teacher
you fixed my mistake


Member (SA)
GX all the way!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Those VZ's are a dime a dozen compared to that GX!! :yes: :yes: I've never seen one and would gladly take it off your hands if you don't want it! :yes: :yes:
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