a year late, but got here eventually

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Van Presence

Member (SA)
hello everyone, I am Evan and I'm a 80s radio addict.

i have actually been on here since February last year and last weekend was 1 year since i found my first box. thought it was about time i wrote 1 of these.

so I live on a farm in small town North Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand.
so my collecting obsession sort of just fell on me in a huge unbelievable 1 of a kind find (ill get to it soon)
I think I had always liked and admired a good looking boombox but had never realized that so many would actually be down here in little old New Zealand. usual story, dont notice things unless you're looking for them.

so on to my very first find......if anyone has seen any of my posts, i frequently go to a local dump shop. when it first opened i was usually there going through the enormous stack of records. probably got 150+ from there (50 cents each) in first year. they have always had stacks of speakers and various audio equipment, furniture, nic-naks and general stuff.
so as i said, a year ago last week i was in there on my own just wasting time looking at stuff. was in the audio isles looking at nothing of sorts, when i notice a guy pick up a huge (very huge) radio off the floor, turn it around look at it then put it back down. instantly i went an grabbed it, it was massive, seemed all there apart from 1 missing knob and 1 antenna. didnt even think twice about putting it back. went over to counter to see if worked. plugged in, radio worked fine, tape deck didnt seem to. had a price sticker of $25. due to its size didnt think twice about paying $25. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT IT WAS
this was the first photo i took of it after i got it home. still had no idea what it was. did some research on it the next night and worked out i had found something most people dont ever find. i was that uneducated on it i didnt even realize the superwoofer cover came off and there was a 20cm speaker hidden in there. it actually blew my mind.

so to squeeze the last year into a short paragraph. i have been obsessive in going back to that shop every spare chance i get (its about an hour and half drive) found about 15 more small boxes there, nothing super special but iv never seen anything over $25. also been searching/spending up large on our auction website, various other second hand shops and other recycle shops, a couple of free gifts and other purchases from members (big ups to NZBoom)
so to mark my first year of collecting i tried to make a stack of everything iv acquired this year. couldn't quite fit it all in, about 15 short, but this is what i managed DSC02094.JPG


Member (SA)
Wow, this is very big collection!!! Congrats!
I see many classical and beautiful boomboxes here!!!


Member (SA)
Dear me, what an amazing achievement for a single year of collecting. :yes: :hooray:

There's some fantastic boxes there! :yes: :thumbsup: :rock:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wow you have been busy!!! Really nice stack you have and a great find on the Big Ben at a thrift shop!!!


Member (SA)
Big Ben for $25 !!!! what a deal.

Lovely picture of your stack to, some beauties in there!


Member (SA)
Hello ! These are really honest, serious and nice boxes you got there, wow, even 2 GF-555´s (if i see right) :lol: Really neat collection you got there ! :drool:


Member (SA)
WOWWW! Great intro and story man, you have a super nice collection, and thats just insane reading about the amount of money you paid for the Big Ben! DIRT CHEAP! Congrats on one hell of a year! :hooray:


Member (SA)
DUDE!!!!!Nothing special my arse!Your collection ROCKS!!!!Anyway a big welcome to you.Thanks for the pics too.Love me some boombox porno.😄Did I see not one but two JVC rc-m70's in that thar pic?All in your first year!Some people have all the luck,also judging from that pic I see your sickness runs deep.Your gonna fit in here just fine.😄Keep up the good work!👍👍

Van Presence

Member (SA)
thanks everyone.

all in the stack work on radio and line in (if have), about half, or so, still play tapes fine. unfortunately Big Ben has been the only amazingly cheapest 1 iv found (i know what to look for now) then few other quality savings but most others were cheap to fair/normal prices.

judging by what i have seen here on Boomboxery in the last year, cool things are acquired/found/swapped/re-hashed/completed/sold/made to look new again and just generally loved almost everyday.

so in short i dont know anything about trying to get a not working box to work again (iv got a few more in that state) iv had quite a few of mine apart and cleaned but never taken everything out fully. so this year ill be starting to ask silly questions on how to do things.
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