Christmas eve party -- our family was hosting it this year. About 50 people there. My kids were in charge of entertainment and had some games (name that tune) or (name those lyrics), something along those lines. So when they said "Daddy, bring one of your boomboxes" I naturally brought my kaboom to the event. The kaboom had been pretty much neglected the past few months and I had thoughts of letting it go. But after the party, all I can say is WOW. Nothing can duplicate what the kaboom can do in a large gathering. That ugly beast is definitely a keeper and I don't know what I was thinking to have even considered making it expendable. At the party, everyone was suddenly interested in it. I think it's fair to say that there will probably be more prospective kaboom buyers out there now. In conclusion -- the Kaboom is one serious and incomparable party animal. If the highs are lacking -- we did not notice it because at parties, BASS is king.