Today I thought I really screwed up and ruined my Silver C100. Let me explain. The wife and I were outside under the canopy (as normal) and I was listening to the C100 using my phone into the auxiliary inputs. 93 degrees but tolerable in the shade. We eat lunch. Then in rolls the afternoon storm so in we go.
Later for dinner we grab a pizza and head back home to eat it. The storm is over so I proceed to pop the canopy back up. We eat then decide to head outside to enjoy the rest of the evening. I grab my radio and put it outside to enjoy.
Any of you tech savvy folks see where this is going already? Well I should've. I feel so damn stupid about this also and a little pissed off at myself.
So my radio all the sudden shuts down (audio wise) and erupts into this ear piercing fart snazzled, helicopter sputtering, mouse squealing mess. Meters pegged in all four quadrants. I run up to the radio and switch it off and notice right away that I f'd up.
CONDENSATION from going from an AC cooled home outside in a humid environment. The thing was literally Soaked with condensation inside and out.
So in the house it went. My wife wanted to spend time outside...and I did stay outside with her but all I could think about is whether my issue was going to clear up once it dried out all while stewing inside over why I never gave it a thought. Probably was a little grumpy.
My wife was trying to make me feel better by saying "It will be fine. It wouldn't have lasted over 30 years if it was that petite of a flower". I didn't share her lack of concern as a short circuit somewhere can definitely put an end to new or old equipment.
Anyway, did it get ruined? Well I let it sit for 5 hours and gave it a try. A little staticky on the background hiss. Gave it another 2 hours and checked...seems ok.
So, don't mess up like me. Remember condensation collects on every piece of your box inside ciruits and outside.
This won't be happening to this guy again. I wanted to share this Warning and Caution because this can happen to any of us during the summer months.
Later for dinner we grab a pizza and head back home to eat it. The storm is over so I proceed to pop the canopy back up. We eat then decide to head outside to enjoy the rest of the evening. I grab my radio and put it outside to enjoy.
Any of you tech savvy folks see where this is going already? Well I should've. I feel so damn stupid about this also and a little pissed off at myself.
So my radio all the sudden shuts down (audio wise) and erupts into this ear piercing fart snazzled, helicopter sputtering, mouse squealing mess. Meters pegged in all four quadrants. I run up to the radio and switch it off and notice right away that I f'd up.
CONDENSATION from going from an AC cooled home outside in a humid environment. The thing was literally Soaked with condensation inside and out.
So in the house it went. My wife wanted to spend time outside...and I did stay outside with her but all I could think about is whether my issue was going to clear up once it dried out all while stewing inside over why I never gave it a thought. Probably was a little grumpy.
My wife was trying to make me feel better by saying "It will be fine. It wouldn't have lasted over 30 years if it was that petite of a flower". I didn't share her lack of concern as a short circuit somewhere can definitely put an end to new or old equipment.
Anyway, did it get ruined? Well I let it sit for 5 hours and gave it a try. A little staticky on the background hiss. Gave it another 2 hours and checked...seems ok.
So, don't mess up like me. Remember condensation collects on every piece of your box inside ciruits and outside.
This won't be happening to this guy again. I wanted to share this Warning and Caution because this can happen to any of us during the summer months.