6 months with my c crane transmitter.

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Member (SA)
ok most fm transmitters i have owned either broke or just were crap.
i have had my c crane fm transmitter now for six months or so. oh how i have grown to love the thing. yes i did the mod to the range by peeling off the sticker and well the range on it is extremely good. i can walk all the way into the field with a boombox and get really good reception and sound quality.
it seldomly falls victim to interferance and it gets pretty damn good battery life.
you can adjust the output and if you are not careful it will overdrive the signal.
its not horrid tho but you need to be careful.
i have taken it to the beach and to the park and well its really cool.
i was kind of skeptical about it at first but it has surpassed my expectations and it really works great.


Member (SA)
i was pretty skeptical when i ordered it but i have no regrets at all.
i wish they would have done a few things different. like the eighth inch jack out i would have prefered if it was just a rca out.
the trim knob is a little bit sketchy.
overall tho its awesome.
tuning the trim pot inside really boosts the range.
using a adapter thats the max recommended voltage also works well,
attaching a piece of wire with a alligator clip to the whip also can increase the range as well.
with just the pot inside tweaked i can pretty much get every radio in the house.
i can also get the radios outside as well.


Member (SA)
hmm that page seems kind of wierd to me. looks like someone is ambitous but maybe unable to bring the goods to market.
what i like about the c crane is it is small.
can slip into a pocket.
run on batteries .
easy to hack easy to pack.
i have seen some other nice looking transmitters out there but its all cosmetics really.
i mean i have no idea how some of the other work.
i do know that the c crane decimates any itrip product i have ever used.
it also makes a complete joke out of the jvc transmitter i have.

blah blah

Member (SA)
i remember some european member had one of the fmuser's (or maybe the guy with the spontaneous dance parties) and was saying it was the bomb. but the site does look odd :'-( plus never answered my email...
Hey bill can you tell me the Wattage it has? (Transmitting Power) Does it say anywhere on the Manual or the case itself?
I'd like to try an experiment out with my a cappella group using it to monitor ourselves on stage. Grabbing the phone out of the mixer to the C Crane's input and then each of us have a little digital radio in their back pocket.


Member (SA)
unfortunately during the mod the sticker that had that information was removed and subsequently turfed.

i think tho the method you are describing sounds like it would be a recipe for feedback.

it could possibly work if you had a bunch of walkmans tuned to the same frequencie and used earbuds.
i havent tried using it that way.

if you guys are mic'd tho i think if you used any kind of signal that the mic could pic up it might feedback on you.

Lasonic TRC-920

I would really like to do this. I like to have parties with radios around the house. Right now I hard wire as many radios together hooked to my computer playing mp3's. This would be so much easier. Just set radios around the house on the same station and PAR-TAY!


Member (SA)
blah blah said:
i really want an fm transmitter...has anyone got the whole house transmitter? Is it better or worse than the crane? I thought the fmuser looked best ( http://hllye.com/low-power-fm-transmitter/5w-fmuser-fm-transmitter.html) but i emailed the guy and never got a response... I'd like to get one powerful enguh to cover my house, not just one room.
I have red bad things about these Chinese transmitters. A lot of harmonics , excessive heat ,.........
You don't want to transmit in frequency ranges from police , airline communication
If you really want to use these , be shure to use a decent LPF in the things' output and a proper antenna that is properly adjusted ( good SWR )
I guess the sound will be worse than the ccranes' . I read that frequency response of the HLLY / FM user starts at 100 Hz. Not that good.
I own a CCrane too and it performs very well. I always use it on mains. Didn't use it on batteries yet

Lasonic TRC-920

If I was to buy something like this, I would find it locally so if I need to get it worked on, I can just take it in. I'll pass on the Chinese stuff! Good point on the police / airline deal, You'll never know what your getting through the mail like that!


Member (SA)
it works the best after you tweak the pot.
its super easy to do. you peel off the sticker on the back.
warranty is void.
carefully turn the potscrew with a small screw driver.
gently no force .
use the max recommended voltage adapter with it.
this makes a big difference.

on batteries it works great.
careful when you adjust your trim for the output.

the c crane sounds great and its super easy to use.
its not perfect but its not several hundred dollars either.


Member (SA)
also as i say if you take this unit and attach speaker wire to the antenna you can get even more range.
you kinda need line of site for it to work the best but.
it does seem to work really good in this house.
so good i reach the landlords radio upstairs.


Member (SA)
Had one of these for over 3 years, done all the upgrade mods & agree 100%, it's fantastic.
Batteries seem to last forever, build quality is great, features are ace (timed power-off, exact frequency choice, the gain control, DC input power etc.).
I've banged-on about how good it is before. All I can say this time is you get what you pay for. Sure it's pricier than some, but when they switch off all the FM radio transmissions, you'll be VERY glad you got one :-)

Primarily, I use mine plugged into my main home system - useful to hear the TV elsewhere in the house (say, when you nip upstairs to the loo) or for transmitting the tunes from my docked iPod all over the garden when barbecuing - a great way to showcase boomers to your friends.
Also I use it in the car sometimes (just changed my car & haven't installed my proper ICE yet) & there I find the only "criticism". After some time bouncing along in the car over appaling roads in the UK, the antenna works a bit loose & then the output crackles. Can't really blame C-crane for that! :-)
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