I built one like the title says, but the signal is so weak that it is only moderately loud, not pounding like the deck & radio. I have the iPod volume turned all the way up, and the Tele, too. I got the pin-out from a European parts house's web page. With the cast mark on the plug at the top like it should be, the pins are arrayed along the bottom of the plug left to right as follows:
pin 3,right RCA in +
pin 5, left RCA in +
pin 2, Grd
pin 4, line out, not used
pin 1, line out, not used
Both RCA shells are grounded to pin 2
Before I troubleshoot the circuit in the radio, have done something stupid first that was really simple? I ask this because the pin-out in the Telefunken schematics is drawn different it seems. With the cast at the top, the pins are ordered 1,4,2,5,3. In other words, backwards from the way I thought it should be. Am I just looking at it reversed (view from behind) or is the first one wrong? The socket number is BU 302 in the schematics.
It's been a long day. Screwing up is easy to do.
Maybe our European members can slap me upside the head here for a little bit of percussion maintenance. Which is right? Or are they both right, just different views? I did some searching on line and it seems the first is what I run into, but sometimes with a little capacitance or resistance thrown in to grd. That doesn't work for me.
Sure sounds sweet, just not as loud as I would like it.
pin 3,right RCA in +
pin 5, left RCA in +
pin 2, Grd
pin 4, line out, not used
pin 1, line out, not used
Both RCA shells are grounded to pin 2
Before I troubleshoot the circuit in the radio, have done something stupid first that was really simple? I ask this because the pin-out in the Telefunken schematics is drawn different it seems. With the cast at the top, the pins are ordered 1,4,2,5,3. In other words, backwards from the way I thought it should be. Am I just looking at it reversed (view from behind) or is the first one wrong? The socket number is BU 302 in the schematics.
It's been a long day. Screwing up is easy to do.
Maybe our European members can slap me upside the head here for a little bit of percussion maintenance. Which is right? Or are they both right, just different views? I did some searching on line and it seems the first is what I run into, but sometimes with a little capacitance or resistance thrown in to grd. That doesn't work for me.
Sure sounds sweet, just not as loud as I would like it.