So I just got my 1st golden bbx from Dave (Sinister) Tisonic PR-7000.....thanks for a great boomer This thing is beast that needed complete bath and shine. I also had to clean and rebelt deck.. Luckily being an auto deck the belts were totally wrapped around motor and motor still spinning while unit was on.. Thank god the motor survived, so I cleaned of old belts and then replaced with new ones I cleaned heads, demagnetized , adjusted azimuth and motor speed and this bad boy is working great Now while I was taking her apart I noticed alot of resemblance in this unit and the Sanyo M X920. Possible AKA model The back of unit and innards screw in same way. Deck is very similar and so are all switches and knobs... One difference is this has 3 way speakers not 2 way I actually am starting to miss my Sanyo 920 less. The search system works as does auto stop mech... I truly love this one and it's a big boy 10 D cells here some pics