33rd OG RADIOTRON Peace In The Streets Festival

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Member (SA)
Last weekend my family and I hooked up with Miles aka =ml= for a very last minute ride to MacArthur Park in Los Angeles for the 33rd annual OG RADIOTRON Peace In The Streets Festival. Its a celebration of West Coast hip hop pioneers, legends, DJ's and MC's that literally broke ground and started the West Coast hip hop and breakdancing scene back in the day.

There were so many artists and DJ's in attendance, and the vibe was super positive, just one big party. Here's some captured moments from the day...

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I ran into one of my friends that I haven't seen for over 8 years!
2016-08-28 10.53.45.jpg

We came across The Hip Hop Trooper and hung out with him for a bit talkin shop. SUPER cool guy who took the time to take pictures with every single kid and adult that came up to him. You gotta respect that. Very humble. Here's Miles, Hip Hop Trooper and myself busting a Boomboxery pose.

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My son was a little intimidated at first, so he took off his helmet to show my boy that he was an actual human Lol.
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Shortly after, we strolled through the park and I met up with Kid Frost for a respectful handshake and a quick picture. OG all the way.
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Also saw General Jeff of Rodney O and Joe Cooley, so I busted out my "Me and Joe" cassette that I've had since my youth and showed it to him, here's his reaction..2016-08-30 17.02.51.jpg
He signed it for me then he checked out my M90 and loved it!
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Overall it was a blast! Live performances and breakdancers all day, a great day in L.A. PEACE!
2016-08-30 16.59.54.jpg2016-08-30 16.58.03.jpg


Member (SA)
Looked like a heck of an event!!!!
I'm digging that home made boombox. It looks pretty serious.
But the woofers look like a pair of boobs being they are so close together. Lol


Member (SA)
hemiguy2006 said:
Looked like a heck of an event!!!!
I'm digging that home made boombox. It looks pretty serious.
But the woofers look like a pair of boobs being they are so close together. Lol
It was a lot of fun, and so good to see all these artists that I grew up listening to just walking and talking with the people! Brought back so many good memories for me and my wife. The Hip Hop Trooper's case was LOUD! Sounded good too, it blew my M90 away Lol. I guess it does look a little "booby" but hey, I'm cool with that haha :w00t:

JustCruisin said:
DAAAAAANNNNGGGGG!!! :breakdance:


Member (SA)
Wowser, it looks like a hive of activity with so much going on. :yes: :thumbsup: I'm still baffled by all the hand signals/signs, what's this all about (help a fogey here!)? My hands do things like this when I get cramps after taking salt!


Member (SA)
MyOhMy said:
Wowser, it looks like a hive of activity with so much going on. :yes: :thumbsup: I'm still baffled by all the hand signals/signs, what's this all about (help a fogey here!)? My hands do things like this when I get cramps after taking salt!
Sometimes people (mostly stylish people) need to express themselves with their whole body, and not just be a stiff with their hands at their sides.. :yes:


Member (SA)
MyOhMy said:
Wowser, it looks like a hive of activity with so much going on. :yes: :thumbsup: I'm still baffled by all the hand signals/signs, what's this all about (help a fogey here!)? My hands do things like this when I get cramps after taking salt!
Haha, well lets see here... My friend is holding up the the "Devil Horns" (he's not satanic) or sign of the horns. I wanna say Ronnie Dio of Black Sabbath started this but don't quote me on that.

I have a habit of throwing up the peace sign, only its flipped around and sometimes with my pinky finger up at the same time which is another way to hold up a "W" meaning WEST SIDE, or WEST COAST. In the picture with Kid Frost and I, he's pointing at me, sort of a sign of respect. Kind of like telling someone "You tha man!" Although HE's the man and not me :-P

Trust me we're not cramping up LOL, No salt was ingested, smoked, or snorted during this event :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920 said:
That is bad ass Steve. The Hip Hop Trooper is a legend! Way to represent.
Thanks brother, we all have to plan better for next years festival, I heard that this one was the biggest turnout yet, and surprisingly, Miles, myself, and one other guy with an M70 that we met, were the only 3 people carrying a boombox. So we got a lot of fun questions and people wanted pictures :cool:

JustCruisin said:
Sometimes people (mostly stylish people) need to express themselves with their whole body, and not just be a stiff with their hands at their sides.. :yes:
Haha, thanks James, I don't consider myself very stylish but yes its all about expressing yourself. We're just not used to being all stiff, we just let loose! And have fun.

Lasonic TRC-920

Haha, well lets see here... My friend is holding up the the "Devil Horns" (he's not satanic) or sign of the horns. I wanna say Ronnie Dio of Black Sabbath started this but don't quote me on that.

I have a habit of throwing up the peace sign, only its flipped around and sometimes with my pinky finger up at the same time which is another way to hold up a "W" meaning WEST SIDE, or WEST COAST. In the picture with Kid Frost and I, he's pointing at me, sort of a sign of respect. Kind of like telling someone "You tha man"

Trust me we're not cramping up LOL, No salt was ingested, smoked, or snorted during this event :lol:

Thanks brother, we all have to plan better for next years festival, I heard that this one was the biggest turnout yet, and surprisingly, Miles, myself, and one other guy with an M70 that we met, were the only 3 people carrying a boombox. So we got a lot of fun questions and people wanted pictures :cool:

Haha, thanks James, I don't consider myself very stylish but yes its all about expressing yourself. We're just not used to being all stiff, we just let loose! And have fun.

You didnt know the guy with the M70?


Member (SA)
Looks like a blast man, meeting Kid Frost, very very cool. Love the pic of your son with his mini boomer too, way to represent!

You guys get a lotta cool events over there and i'm jealous as hell.


Member (SA)
T-STER said:
You guys get a lotta cool events over there and i'm jealous as hell.
SLO just makes it seem like another casual stroll in the park.. :yes: meanwhile, I could never even dream of hanging with all those fun people!


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
You didnt know the guy with the M70?
No but Miles and I walked up and introduced ourselves, his name was Omar, really cool cat. But it was so loud that it was kinda hard to conversate with him.

T-STER said:
Looks like a blast man, meeting Kid Frost, very very cool. Love the pic of your son with his mini boomer too, way to represent!

You guys get a lotta cool events over there and i'm jealous as hell.
Thanks bro, yea we are pretty fortunate that the whole scene out here is so big, it makes taking out our boomboxes that much more fun.

There's literally events almost every weekend out here at some club or other venue, I just can't make it to most of em because I usually work weekends. But when I do go, its a blast!

JustCruisin said:
SLO just makes it seem like another casual stroll in the park.. :yes: meanwhile, I could never even dream of hanging with all those fun people!
LOL, that's what made it so cool, everyone was mingling. We literally just casually walked up to Kid Frost as he stood there watching the stage with the little girl you see in the picture. He was very humble and cool as ice, hence the name "Frost". Gotta come visit Cali James, Lotta good times to be had.

baddboybill said:
Very cool Bad Boy Bill
Thanks bro!


Boomus Fidelis
I thought that looked like Miles👍 haven't heard from him in forever👌. Hope he's doing good!!!

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
you cali dudes and the brazillions have the greatest times = YESSSSSSSSSSSS
mancardo said:
Nice pictures SLO..... It looks like it was a blast.
hardmen said:
You guys and boy have a GREAT time indeed...
Thanks you guys, it really was a good one, I found a few videos on YouTube (not mine) but just to give an idea of the many West Coast legends that were there, and to show some of the fun that was had, enjoy!



Member (SA)
I love your threads man...and always LOVE the pics...your little homie is with you in the pics MORE than the wife :lol:


Member (SA)
gsbadbmr said:
I love your threads man...and always LOVE the pics...your little homie is with you in the pics MORE than the wife :lol:
Haha, thanks homeboy! Yea my son sticks to me like glue, he's my little wingman :-) My wife's the one capturing the moments most of the time while I'm out acting like a big kid!
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