2011 BoomFest meet(s)

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Member (SA)
Okay, with the 2010 Sunshine Mix now in the books, and while there's a tremendous buzz... what a perfect time to start talking about next year, eh?

There has been some talk about doing the meet in the midwest, and also talk about doing one on the west coast...

In a country the size of ours, and the space that boomboxes require for transport (size, weight, quantity) I feel like the harsh reality of the situation is that we will likely never have a truly over the top turnout beyond what we had in Sorrento.

However, I could envision a situation where we have two or three meets going on simultaneously with video feeds to each other.... With maybe a dozen or so members at each meet, with as many boxes as they can manage. But, to make that really happen someone attending each meet would need to volunteer to be the "go to" guy. And if you're going to have the meet at a place with that level of connectivity, then there will likely be a charge for the space, etc... We were obviously very fortunate to have access to a space like the one in Sorrento for the past three years, and will surely call upon Tony to host again.

Apartment or condo club houses seem to be offer the best solution where a member has rights to use the space and can reserve it in advance.

Obviously, the skype thing didn't work out this year.... largely because of all of the setup that went into our boomer battle station and the set up snafus we experienced with the various FM transmitters we tried... . Thank goodness for the surprise attendee from Chicago who came through with his walkman sized FM transmitter and saved the day on that front. It was good having boomboxes all over the room able to play the same music.

Anyway, I just couldn't get around to twiddling with the computer, too.. Truth be told, the first two hours of the meet were spent organizing, moving furniture, setting up tables, and plugging up gear... I didn't even have time to check if there was a wifi for us to hook into with the PC. I didn't even get to give the Aiwa TPR 950 a critical listen like I wanted...

The next thing I knew.... the sky turned dark and people were leaving, The day goes by faster than you think when you are basically enjoying the proverbal "kid in a candy store" frame of mind.

So....what do you guys think about trying to coordinate a couple of regional meets and setting up video feeds to each other?? Maybe next year we do a pair of meets. One on the east coast and the other on the west coast???


I Am Legend
agree with jaetee --
that more than 10 -15 attendees is alot to expect --
with all the 'difficulties' involved-

be much easier to have a walkman meet :-D :-)

but --thats why its so amazing that a few thousand pounds of
boomers traveled thosands of combined miles to get to florida

as far as future locations --
any places that can attract the most members -- are the best spots-

but since NO place will be anywhere near easy // convenient for
any dozen of us --

its important to have ideas and contributions from EVERYBODY
who truly wants to attend a meet for next year --

the sooner- the better :-) :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
redbenjoe said:
as far as future locations --
any places that can attract the most members -- are the best spots-

but since NO place will be anywhere near easy // convenient for
any dozen of us --

its important to have ideas and contributions from EVERYBODY
who truly wants to attend a meet for next year --
I totally agree. :agree: :yes:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
its important to have ideas and contributions from EVERYBODY
who truly wants to attend a meet for next year --
the sooner- the better :-) :-D

Well said, Ira... That's why I thought I'd bring this up sooner, while everybody is in that "I'm definitely going to be there next year" frame of mind.

Kinda surprised more people haven't chimed in.... whether it's to agree or to disagree. It's okay to tell me if you think my simultaneous regional meet with video link idea sucks. I can handle it...

Probably brought it up too soon, though...
If you divide the United States in half vertically and horizontally you come up with this city..... Great Bend, Kansas...

Smack dab in the middle of the United States, right?

Is there anybody here from Kansas?

Just a thought...


Member (SA)
East, West, and Mid-West!

I want to attend next year more than anything, I would like to see it happen in FL again and plan my family vacation around it - I would be happy to stop by for a couple of hours - meet and greet and then hit the road with the wifey and kiddos on the way to the coast.



Staff member
I like the idea of a video link. Bobby and I were bouncing ideas while on the way down and the return trip. What I would suggest however, because as you mentioned, everyone is still hyped, let's finish soaking this one up. In the meantime, we can gather our thoughts. :-D


Boomus Fidelis
I like the idea of another more centraly located meet but another Florida meet is still doable for many of us I think. The video link has some good possiblities too but like Oldskool said let's let this one sink in before we get to far in to planning another one. :yes:


Member (SA)
Yea, it really is too soon for this to be a hot topic yet... But at least the seeds are now planted.


Member (SA)
Simultaneous regional meet with video link idea I believe would be pretty difficult to plan.
I personally think its hard enough getting a plan together for one meet much less multiple meets.
The day flys by real fast, who wants to spend it trying to figure what another meet is doing at the same time???
I suggest to keep it simple its more enjoyable for everyone that way.

Thats just my two bits.


I Am Legend
franks right --

the concept is cool -
but during any of the last 3 meets --
i would never have spent over 5 minutes (total) watching any other meet -
we just have way too much to hear and see at our own show :-)

(unless they had pole dancers)


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
franks right --

the concept is cool -
but during any of the last 3 meets --
i would never have spent over 5 minutes (total) watching any other meet -
we just have way too much to hear and see at our own show :-)

(unless they had pole dancers)

Ahhhh... the voice of reality and reason... When you put it like that, It's does seem quite unnecessary.

Digg this :w00t:

On the West Coast:
- SanFran, a nice size room like the Sorrento one, nice lighting
- Fast WiFi Connection
- Laptop with Video Camera hooked up as web cam
- Pick a special location for the video camera so it gets a pretty good angle.
- Start Skype


East Coast or Kansas or why not? BOTH!
- Nice room, good lighting
- Fast WiFi Connection
- Laptop with Video Camera hooked up as web cam also
- Have a good location for it too
- Start Skype

And just leave them going for the people who wanna maybe stop and take a peek or just keep walkin'

If I'm not mistaken, I saw a HUGEMONGOUS VIERA Flat Screen TV in the pictures of the Sunshine Mix 2010 meet, can you imagine that Triple-Whopper hooked up to the laptop via VGA??? Holy smokes!!!

Just a thought... :hmmm:


I Am Legend
redbenjoe said:
i would never have spent over 5 minutes (total) watching any other meet -
we just have way too much to hear and see at our own show :-)

on second thoughts --
lots of us --like me

would buy a ten hour video tape -
of ANY other member box meet --
and really enjoy watching every second of it --later on


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Johnny said:
I would be happy to stop by for a couple of hours - meet and greet and then hit the road with the wifey and kiddos on the way to the coast.

Ehh, I hate to burst your bubble, Johnny, but thinking you can take in a meet in two hours is laughable. ;-) :-P :yes: The only thing that would happen would be the rest of your family getting upset with you because you want to stay forever. :lol:


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
Johnny said:
I would be happy to stop by for a couple of hours - meet and greet and then hit the road with the wifey and kiddos on the way to the coast.

Ehh, I hate to burst your bubble, Johnny, but thinking you can take in a meet in two hours is laughable. ;-) :-P :yes: The only thing that would happen would be the rest of your family getting upset with you because you want to stay forever. :lol:

Yea, you won't want to leave...

Send the wifey and kids to the mall for a couple of hours with a couple hundred $$'s... buy yourself some time! :-D :lol: :lol:

Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
As long as Jaetee has begun this thread I propose, no I strongly suggest the following for our group and advise for an new meets....

We need to assign duties to regular participants to share the work load.

Tony has the food and Clubhouse, hard to give that to anyone else unless we relocate.
Fatdog has the art and related.
Jaetee has the sound set up.

Now why can't we agree that someone does the PC stuff, whatever we decide we want to have going. I think it would be great to at least have a WIFI to this board going all day ....

Table set-ups....

Contest prizes,

blah, blah , blah, etc. and so on, yadayadayada.....

By getting commitments as the meet draws near everyone can do a job and more variety and good times to be had by all.

I am more than happy as would Betty to do a specific responsibility......


Staff member
Uncle Ed said:
As long as Jaetee has begun this thread I propose, no I strongly suggest the following for our group and advise for an new meets....

We need to assign duties to regular participants to share the work load.

Tony has the food and Clubhouse, hard to give that to anyone else unless we relocate.
Fatdog has the art and related.
Jaetee has the sound set up.

Now why can't we agree that someone does the PC stuff, whatever we decide we want to have going. I think it would be great to at least have a WIFI to this board going all day ....

Table set-ups....

Contest prizes,

blah, blah , blah, etc. and so on, yadayadayada.....

By getting commitments as the meet draws near everyone can do a job and more variety and good times to be had by all.

I am more than happy as would Betty to do a specific responsibility......

My job is to bring Fatdog... :lol:
I can pretty much do any job nobody wants... no probs here to get stuff done! ;-)

But I'm already working finding out stuff... to help way ahead of time... :thumbsup:
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