So, as a few longtime members here may know, My wife and I are Special Olympics Coaches and proud parents on two athletes. Last month, we were in the Portland Oregon area for the State level Track & Field events and staying at a loal hotel.While there, I met a hometown couple at the pool. They liked my Panasonic 5050 "Trucker Chick" box I was booming. The female said "I have one at home that's bigger you can have when we all return home. She said it didn't sell at a recent yardsale and was in the garage. Fastforward a few weeks, and a few unanswered calls, She finally answered and stated her Husband donated it to the local GoodWill 4 days ago and "Hope it's still there for you". I drove down to the store with the only description she gave me (Black, with side-by-side Double cassette). I found it and brought it home for only $12.99. Still almost free. It's complete and sounds pretty darn good. What'cha think?