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Well-Known Member
Staff member
I never wanted to reach this kind of 'status' here like our loser friend Chris: https://boomboxery.com/forum/index.php/topic/23024-10000/?hl=10%2C000

BUT, I have! And it makes me HAPPY!

Just like Chris, I thought what would be a better way to celebrate than to reflect on how this all came together. Never would have thought, nor would I have believed it if someone told me back then what I would be into today.

Can you believe I started collecting all because of a SNOW BLOWER?!?!?!?! Here is the original story on stereo2go from April 14th, 2009.:

But that isn't the beginning!!! That story, when I found it, happened sometime in January 2008.

I had this blaster at home and was asking my car friends about getting it repaired because I couldn't find any information about this make/model online. Only once someone listed this model on s2g, my yahoo search finally had a hit for this beast after having it for over a year.

My first adventure after being invited from S2G to come to Boomboxery was to meet Skippy and add to the small collection which was only the Dynasty HT-959 at the time.

With the help of a handful of members, the Dynasty is as good as she will ever get and will be with me for the long haul.

So after years and years and years of reading, searching, buying, selling, trading, I have stood the test of time. To be part of a community that doesn't put up with bitchy, winey, non-productive nonsense. I'm glad to be a part of it in my own way. Contribute what I can. Learn new tips and tricks from some of the smartest tech people I have ever met.

Thanks for having me. I've gone from having 1 blaster, to a dozen friends. Priceless.

From shab,
dynasty beginning.jpg

to sheek:


Member (SA)
Another one bites the dust...now that you're in THAT club, you'll never talk to the rest of us peons anymore. :-P

Congratulations, Joe. This number of posts only came about through your willingness to always be there when anyone, newbie or not, needed help or a question answered. Your eagerness and passion for our hobby/obsession shines through in every one.

One day you're going to look up and say "Hey, where did that second 10,000 posts come from?" :lol: and I'll say "You're just getting old, Joe. That's what happens to a Legend."

Thanks for all the help, buddy. ;-) Now get back on eBay and find that next deal.


Member (SA)
Well done on the 10000, that's a major commitment to an online community right there :bow:

You were here before me and your still going strong now, here's to the next 10000 :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
Kenpat said:
Congratulations, Joe. This number of posts only came about through your willingness to always be there when anyone, newbie or not, needed help or a question answered. Your eagerness and passion for our hobby/obsession shines through in every one.

100% true --its been great to read those 10, 000 -
lotsa laughs and oodles of help and we watched your cool kids grow up -
and watched YOU grow up !!!

JT Techno

Member (SA)
Great stuff Joe - here's to another 10K ... and beyond! :chris920:

This is a great forum and totally agree with this vvvvvv statement - happy posting y'all :thumbsup:

blu_fuz said:
To be part of a community that doesn't put up with bitchy, winey, non-productive nonsense.


Member (SA)
Wow 10,000! :clap: I was getting a big kick out of reading your post about the snowblower deal gone sour :lol: Its so crazy that out of that, you became a boombox collector, technician, mad scientist :frankenstein: and restoration expert all because of that DYNASTY sitting in someones basement in 2008. And for only 15 bucks!! :jawdrop: Bro that is stuff I only get to read about. Congratulations on all your hard work and dedication to this game, I appreciate all

you've done for me so far, THANK YOU! Hats off to you Joe, your one of the good fellas, keep the

posts comin! Its good to see that the DYNASTY is still in your collection. That things a f****n BEAST!!! :bow:


Member (SA)
Congrats Joe! Only been on here a short time and you have helped me plenty already.

Great story too!
Cheers bro. :beer2:


Lasonic TRC-920

ATTENTION BLU_FUZ: I am sorry to inform you that your PRESCRIPTION to Boomboxery has been revoked! You will now be required to relinquish your entire boombox collection to ME :w00t: :lol: :yes:

Welcome to the 10K Crazy Club consisting of only 4 other lunatics!

In all seriousness, everything you bring to the Boombox community is positive, helpful and 100% for the good of all who join. Countless detailed tear downs had me thinking "Yes, I can do that" and the straps....man, I just can't live with out the straps. Like American Express, I never leave home without it!

Plus all the other things you have helped me with, off the forum!

THANKS JOE for everything :hooray:


Member (SA)
So so very glad you are here, you've brought some crazy good stuff to the table! I like how random your boombox bugbite was. Just wandering around some estate sale.... hey that looks neat. How innocent.

According to some back-of-napkin number crunching, I'll hit 10,000 in the year 2055, when I'm 82.



Member (SA)
Joe is one of best guys around. I knew that at 2k posts. Selfless go-getter that has never uttered the words "i cant". We'd be bored and lost without ya.
Here's to 10k more!!


Member (SA)
BIG contributor and master strap maker, bet you didn't think you would be here all those years ago!

As everyone has said, thats a major milestone and shows the level of contribution you make, good on you Blu :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

Had the opportunity to go back and read your first posts. What a great story. We all come into these community's a little timid, unsure if we will be welcomed, not knowing the lingo. But it doesn't take long before the welcoming arms of these online communities pull you in and help you out.

My favorite quotes:
"I just want it to play the radio and have the "input" RCA jacks work, that's all."
"I just want mine to be able to play my mp3s and radio.... simple. I don't want to gut it"
"I want to hold that beast on my shoulder and try walking through the mall"

Man, you have done more that just make it play mp3's. You have gone as deep into a boombox as a bear tearing into a stump looking for honey! :lol:

So, did you ever hoist that big ass Wheely up on your shoulder and walk through the mall?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hell no, the Wheely is so damn big that my normal sized arm doesn't really go up and around the box high enough to let it stand upright on my shoulder. hahahahahaha

Yeah I have come a LOOOOOOOONG way!

It's cool that I was able to come here and bring my metal cutting skills to start making the M70 straps and expand from there. Now anything is possible.

I try not to say 'I can't' because I know from this hobby that anything is possible.

To be totally honest, I have met some of the most caring and greatest people in the hobby. People I met here and hang out with outside of the boombox world just to talk about family, life, women, fast cars, and beer. They stop in just to say hi to me, my wife, and kids. Tell me when their rummage sale is and how their family is doing. Even got new friends from the friends in the boombox group. Hang out with at the local college football game to bar hop and tailgate. Yibbidy Dibbidy!

I have also met some of the lowest scum there is. Bad enough to make you look out the windows at night. Bad enough to make you want to sell all of the collection and get away from the hobby. People low enough to make you wonder if you are protecting your family enough from scum like them.

I take it all in. Call me what you want. Question my character and motives. The proof is in the pudding. I'm here to stay because I am a collector AND I love this group.

Every day is a new day with me. If we had it rough the day before, lets try again.

Thanks for having me here guys.
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