Pay no attention to Hopey, a voltage divider circuit is only intended for low level signal type circuits that consumes milliamps, for example, in transistor bias circuits. In order for a voltage divider circuit to work in a high current circuit, the resistors needs to be large enough to handle the expected current and a safety margin. That means for a boombox that consumes 60 watts max, you’d have to incorporate resistors probably 100 watts. You know how large those are? Also in order to not throttle the current, you’d have to use low resistance resistors, probably less than 10 ohms. Then there’s the matter of efficiency, a voltage divider circuit is highly inefficient. For a circuit that consumes 1mA, doubling the current to 2mA is no big deal. However in a power supply, the 60 watts consumption could be doubled if you’re dropping voltage from say, 240 to 120. That will likely blow the transformer and rectifier circuits. Lastly, voltage dividers only work to lower voltage. If you want to move from a 100v system to a 120v system, that isn’t possible.
I suggest you just replace the transformer. It’s simple and retrofits the circuit for good, the right way.