Sanyo 9990 AM problem

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Member (SA)
FM works fine but no AM (MW/LW/SW), no static sound or noise whatsoever.

Voltages at Q103 should be C= 6v, B= 1.0, E= 0.4v.
I'm reading Q103 as C= 0v, B= -5.04v, E= -5.76v.

What would be the next step to diagnose why there are minus voltages to the transistor ?

When I check Q101 I have similar results with negative voltages yet FM works fine.

My DMM is configured correctly and I have plus and negative voltages on the main board from the power supply.


Member (SA)
My AM has never worked on my M9990, either. But I really don't care, since it's 2013. I'll be curious to see if you get it going. :-)


Staff member
docs said:
FM works fine but no AM (MW/LW/SW), no static sound or noise whatsoever.

Voltages at Q103 should be C= 6v, B= 1.0, E= 0.4v.
I'm reading Q103 as C= 0v, B= -5.04v, E= -5.76v.

What would be the next step to diagnose why there are minus voltages to the transistor ?

When I check Q101 I have similar results with negative voltages yet FM works fine.

My DMM is configured correctly and I have plus and negative voltages on the main board from the power supply.
2 reasons why you are getting (-) readings on your DMM.

(A) You are not using your meter correctly and have the leads reversed.
(B) You have the negative probe set at a location that is NOT at ground potential.

You must understand that a meter measures NOT VOLTAGE, but rather, voltage potential differences. The voltage reading is only true to the extent that the negative/ground is set to '0' potential. Set the neg at any other potential and you'll have to account for the changes based on the potential differences. The way I see it, the readings seem to be fine IF and I submit that you probably don't even have the ground probe set at ground, but rather at a 6-v rail.

Here is what I'm presuming you are doing:
(1) Meter leads reversed
(2) Measured against a +6v rail (instead of ground)
Collector v is supposed to be at 6v. If you measured 6v to 6v, then you get ZERO.
Base is supposed to be 1.0v. If you measured from a 6v rail, 6v - 1.0v = 5.0v. (you measured -5.04)
Emitter is supposed to be 0.4v. If you measured from 6v rail, 6v - 0.4v = 5.6v. (you measured -5.76)

Because your boombox does not run on AC after the PS, there is no negative (below ground/'0v' rail), then it is impossible to read negative voltages unless either or both of A/B above conditions apply). Think about the above for a moment. Perhaps it will make sense to you.


Member (SA)
Makes perfect sense Norm, I'll recheck using an alternative ground location as i am sure my polarities are set correctly on my DMM :)


Member (SA)
Found the problem in an oscillator coil which is not passing voltage along one coil and on doing a continuity check its toast along that coil. Repairable or ...


Member (SA)
Repaired it and AM is working though ideally could do with a replacement.
If anyone is ever breaking one please lookout for tuner circuit board with an oscillator L111.


Member (SA)
The very fine wire (about a hairs width?) was disconnected from one of the legs. Fine soldered it in place and put it back together after checking continuity.
I can't find a replacement, the part number in the schematic and on the side is 4 258T 22730 and it is an OSC Coil, LW.


Staff member
That's just as well. Replacing that coil would involve AM realignment which is another big hassle. Wondering why that wire becomes disconnected, seems that would be a mechanical failure as opposed to an electrical one. (Handling?)


Member (SA)
docs said:
The very fine wire (about a hairs width?) was disconnected from one of the legs. Fine soldered it in place and put it back together after checking continuity.
I can't find a replacement, the part number in the schematic and on the side is 4 258T 22730 and it is an OSC Coil, LW.
I'll have to take a look at mine the next time I open mine up. I don't think I'm gonna try anything, though. Tuners scare the crap out of me.
Glad you got it working. :-)


Staff member
I can't find a replacement, the part number in the schematic and on the side is 4 258T 22730 and it is an OSC Coil, LW.
Your sanyo, I presume is M9990k. Your thread title is M9990 which does not have L111. The AM osc coil in M9990 is L109, just fyi.


Member (SA)
docs said:
The very fine wire (about a hairs width?) was disconnected from one of the legs. Fine soldered it in place and put it back together after checking continuity.
I'd call it done. You don't want to solder and unsolder the circuit board more than necessary anyway. And if the AM radio stations show up at their correct dial locations (the ones at the lower end in particular), you need not do any alighming.
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