No sound out of my beloved Sanyo M 9703 :(

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Member (SA)
Hi all,

I'm new here, and had a quick tech question. I was doing a routine belt change, something I've done a few times with this little guy. Now, i noticed there was a blue wired that had gotten disconnected since the last time I had opened it. The sound was still working and all, but while moving the unit, the wire rubbed against something on the main board, but I didn't catch what it rubbed against. I looked at all the components, but nothing seemed fried? I'm uploading where it rubbed on. maybe someone has an idea of what happened and how to get the sound back? thank you!



Member (SA)
On the lower right corner of the main board... the trace looks yellowed?? Possibly burnt? Do you know what that goes to?


Staff member
Seriously, you think we can tell anything from that picture?

And the most likely components to have been damaged are signal level semiconductors, and unlike resistors or caps, they won't show any outward signs of damage. One microsecond from shorting a transistor emitter to ground might be enough to cause it to go poof.


Member (SA)
You'd have better luck fixing it had you dropped it, at least you could locate cracks in the board.
This though, you're toast, sorry to say.


Boomus Fidelis
Better off buying another one since they are very reasonable in price and parting yours out

Bad Boy Bill
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