My Custom Modded Eagle Reel

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Member (SA)
Hi guys.
I thought I would have a go at modding one of those cheapo Eagle tapes :frankenstein: - getting rid of the shittiriffic c15 tape :sick: and reloading with some useable stuff that can be recorded onto :yes:

Anyways here goes.....


The patient


Note the three plastic dots, cut these flush with the metal reel then careful prise the reel off. Theses reels bend 'reely' :lol: easy - so keep as flat as possible.


Don't cut the rest of the posts down - keep them to reattach your 'new' reel.


Donor cassette.


Invert your metal reel faces, remount them on the remaining 'stumps' - dab a drop of superglue gel on each stump & remount. Use Superglue gel it's less messy. :thumbsup:


Reverse of last piccy


Use a pair of snipe nose pilers to snap the clip back in.
I made my custom a leaderless cassette - instant recording - make sure your donor cassette is blank.


Again glue & remount the reel face.


Load your donor tape into your Eagle, Note the donor was a C90 - i had to insert into the reel.
I also used the TDK Pressure pad in my custom.


Wind to approx 32mins. Less if you want tape Flush with the reel.


Note how proud and overflowing, spilling over it is :drool: :drool:
I likey :drool:


Reattach, glue and remount t'other reel.



Looks good ehh! :yes: :yes:
Made a recording and that old TDK tape sounded sweet too.
Hope you enjoyed................ :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Bad-ass man. Looks way better. You should try painting some of them too. Neon green or something like that. Or maybe anodize them, that would be badass.


Member (SA)
Brilliant idea, I love what you did! I might just try to do the same with the tape from a split new TDK SA. Only thing I'd maybe not do as thoroughly as the way you approached the job is that I'd use a splicing block and join the SA tape to the original leaders on the hubs of the Eagle cassette, which seems like a quicker way and doesn't involve glue. I never once glued three of my fingers to my head with splicing tape! Superglue, on the other hand, doesn't like me much...
:blush: :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
goodman said:
Good idea.
Need paint before assembly....
Why you cut transparent leader tape ?!?
Hi Goodman, Paint might leave a film thickness that might interfere with the smooth running of the reels. If one paint it should be a very thin film. Actually the transparent film in between the reels and cassette case gives good slip also.


Boomus Fidelis
Gonna give this a go as I've loads of these Eagles and this makes them useable and look better...a double win :-)


Member (SA)
This is a great idea. I could use a few more White Reels for display. Some of My boxes have tinted deck door windows, and My colored Reels are difficult too see. The White Reels tend to look better in Black colored boxed. Colored Reels, in Silver, or lighter toned ones.


Member (SA)
Painting the reels would be VERY bad. The paint will gum up the reel & cassette housing, as it slides against the casing, while the wheels turn. Leave them silver. It looks like precision, not flashy.



Member (SA)
The most detailed tutorial ever seen.

Now you can record the EAGLES (Hotel California fame) on to the cassette.


Member (SA)
Guys thanks for all the great comments :-)
I hear you with regards to painting the reels but personally I like the way the tape looks - kinda industrial - heavy duty - stealth like. :yes:
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