JVC 550 Record Bar

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Member (SA)
May 5, 2018
St Petersburg, FL
When I hit RW, and then play, the cassette sounds gorgeous for about 5-10 seconds. Then it goes muffled and muddy. I cleaned all the pots, sliders, and switches with lots of deoxit. JVC Floyd, and others, mentioned the record bar and that it could be jammed. I did a lot of searching on this forum, and I found boxes with similar symptoms, that when the record bar was cleaned, the cassette sound came back to life...permanently!

Can anyone see anything in the photo of the record bar, that might be causing the record button to be jammed? I can't get the record button to go down. A blank tape was in the box, at the time the photo was taken. I've left a couple of notes on the photo as well.

Also, for those following my progress, I got my AM working with ALOT of deoxit to the switch. Must have been a boat load of oxidation.



Member (SA)
Dec 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
In the cassette compartment there is a tiny lever under the left cassette side lower tab. That needs to be pressed down for the record button to unlock and go down. This is a safety device to prevent recording over a cassette. That is why we break the tabs under the cassette.

So from the front side of the cassette section, at the lower left bottom side there is that small tip of a lever. Slightly press it down to unlock the record bar.

If not put a cassette with no broken tabs under it like a new cassette.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
BoomboxLover48 said:
That is why we break the tabs under the cassette. ... If not put a cassette with no broken tabs under it like a new cassette.


Member (SA)
Jun 26, 2010
United Kingdom
To be honest, I just use my hand 99% of the time to push in the record tab inside the deck door compartment and hit record and then stop quickly. Doing it quickly means you can "work" the record bar quickly and get it moving. After doing it a dozen or so times i pop a tape in and test it playing to determine if the record bar is indeed affecting the audio output or if it is something else. I've found this to be the quickest and easiest test of the record bar function, then I know whether I need to go inside and give it a bit of a spray or if it is something else completely.


Member (SA)
May 5, 2018
St Petersburg, FL
See the photos in this message with notes...compared with the original photo.

My original photo shows the plastic piece pressed down from inside the tape compartment (no apparent obstruction). The first photo in this message shows how it looks when I DONT press the plastic piece down and there IS an obstruction.

I point to the plastic piece in the tape compartment in the 2nd photo.

There is still a jam. I'm pressing hard and really trying to work it loose with no luck. I must be missing something???

Thanks for the quick replies ALL.



Member (SA)
Jun 26, 2010
United Kingdom
I don’t know this box too well. It might be time to check that everything is in the right place as per the service manual. Sounds like the deck could be out of position with the lever that engages the record bar.
If it were me, i’d take it out of the chassis and remove the deck to get at the board with the record bar. It should be movable by hand as they typically are spring loaded.


Member (SA)
May 5, 2018
St Petersburg, FL
Thanks DOCs!! :yes:

I found the cause. The screw is preventing the bar from sliding down. If anyone has a 550, and a photo to compare, that would be awesome. Thanks!!

I'll keep digging, and look into taking her apart. I found a local tech and he has a 3 week back-log. I suppose that is a good thing...but I'm not ready to go that route just yet!!



Member (SA)
May 5, 2018
St Petersburg, FL
Docs, Fatdog, and Boomerlover. Much appreciated for your input. You all have been very helpful on a few issues I've inquired about (today and the past), and I hope to be able to pay it back sometime.

I did a big time clean in and around the record bar...like big time...using deoxit. I also cleaned the Tape/Radio function switch (before I was cleaning the wrong area). It sounds 80% better. Only slight muddiness, but tolerable for now. It's not as loud as Radio, but sufficient. It appears to get a little weak at the end of very long cassettes.

Anyways...I know what to work on here on out. Thank you for your input. I'm happy...and I can avoid spending money (for now at least) on a repair. Thank you. Thank You.

I'm rocking on the weekend FO SHO!! Baby Got Back!


Member (SA)
Jul 14, 2009
Hudson Florida
I would say in all honesty the deck looks to need a full restoration. The one picture of one of the drive tires looks very dirty and possibly dry. I’m sure the belts, pinch roller and heads are just as bad. My honest opinion is when you start to get muffled sound heads need cleaning and demagnetized. And if pinch roller is dirty and dry rotted it will slow down playback. As for the record someone may have tried to force it causing something to bend out of place. Just my 2cents. Good luck!! 550 is awesome machine


Member (SA)
May 5, 2018
St Petersburg, FL
Thanks for advice. Just shelled out $250 and will certainly enjoy it for for the time being. I'll let it go a little further until it's to a point where I can't enjoy the tape. I certainly can right now, and Line In and Radio are great.

I will try some rubber renue on the drive tires though.

A full service will be more then half of what I paid for the machine. Worth it of course. But just not yet....for me.

Maybe it's some weird psychology thing, but listening to the radio / line in sound so much more satisfying when I know I can play a cassette when I want to. LOL.
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