i931BT bad FM reception indoors

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New Member
I live close enough to the local radio towers that I can see them on the hilltops a couple of miles away, but there is a lot of noise on almost every channel. I thought about installing a longer antenna but am not sure. Any suggestions? Thank you.


New Member
It's not just the radio. High pitched noise/distortion comes through the speakers when anything is playing. I hadn't noticed it before because of background noise. The Bluetooth, SD and USB are quiet only when nothing is playing (idle or in between songs). Is there something I can do about this? Thank you.


Staff member
Do you get better reception in other locations further away? If so, could be the signal strength is too strong. Those tuners aren't known for the best tuners to begin with.


Staff member
Wait, never mind. If you are getting distortion on every mode, them your box is likely fubar'd. These aren't really serviceable like older boomboxes.


New Member
Superduper said:
Wait, never mind. If you are getting distortion on every mode, them your box is likely fubar'd.
That's what I'm thinking. It kind of sounds like when the radio is tuned a little off, but on every mode. It's worst when the EQ is set to "loudness". I suspect we have noisy power here, so I tried ferrite cores on the power cord. No good.
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