Hitachi 9140E repair questions

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Member (SA)
May 5, 2012
Sunny Brisbane, Australia

New to this great site so go easy on me please!

Just received a Hitachi 9140E that was covered in a 1mm thick layer of dust and cigarette ash. After 4 hours of cleaning, she has come up really nice. The internals of the unit are almost spotless. It has the usual non-operational tape deck though. I can hear the motor going with REW operating very slowly and play and FFWD not operating at all.

After taking the back off the unit, I realised that due to the density of componentry it is probably beyond me to dissassemble this unit enough to reach the belts. :sad: The last thing I want to do is damage anything in the process.

The main pressing issue is the other problem this unit has: The sound distorts if you turn the volume up over 4/10. I have read here that the SW/MW/FM selector can be a possible cause. This switch on mine is a bit unreliable at times. If you switch from SW to MW, I only get left channel. Going the other way from FM to MW results it both channels working fine so I will try to get access to the switch and give it the treatment.

Question to the wise: Is the cost of having an expert repair these faults worth the cost for this model? I know it depends on what's wrong with it, but is it worth paying a quote fee to see what's up? It does look like a nice, quality unit. It's no chromed up beauty but it does feel solid! At this stage, it owes me $50.

As it stands, I can't operate it any louder than my 6 cell Sony cheapy. With the Hitachi weighing 11+ kg + the weight of 10 D cells it does seem a waste to lug this lump around running it at only low volume!! :thumbsdown:

I would think 10W + 10W from a fully fit 9140E should sound pretty solid.

I would appreciate any advice,


James... :-)



Member (SA)
Jul 14, 2009
Hudson Florida
Welcome aboard.....It may only need pots and/or switches cleaned with deoxit or contact type cleaner. If unit is in nice shape might be worth having tech do the cleaning, especially if your not sure how too!!!


Member (SA)
May 5, 2012
Sunny Brisbane, Australia
baddboybill said:
Welcome aboard.....It may only need pots and/or switches cleaned with deoxit or contact type cleaner. If unit is in nice shape might be worth having tech do the cleaning, especially if your not sure how too!!!
Hi, thanks for the welcome. :-) Yes, it did clean up well and is actually in nice cosmetic condition. I would love to get it working well. As I can't turn it up over 1/3rd volume, it just has 'no guts' as it is when any bass is required in the playback.

A long shot I know but is there anyone here know a good repairer in SE Queenland, Australia?

I have been drooling over some of the restoration projects here and it really is inspiring! :thumbsup:

James.... :-)


Member (SA)
May 5, 2012
Sunny Brisbane, Australia
After a few hours of use, the output of Hitachi seems to be improving. I'm now able to turn the volume up to half way without distortion - still no perfect but it is an improvement. The signal level via the LED display looks to be slightly higher on right channel than left at times. If you switch the input selector back and forth from SW to FM you can get either a lower left channel or equal left/right channel output. I will have to get the back off on the weekend and lube/clean the switch.

I'm hoping this will help with the distortion issue.

Would running power through the unit for a few days help reguvinate the capacitors etc? I think this unit may have sat for at least 10-15 years without any use.

James.... :-)
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