Downtown Seattle Meet

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Member (SA)
Ok, time to put up or shut up, methinks.

I don't see any other reason (outside of time constraints & previous commitments) not to have the first NW meet in downtown Seattle. Any time, any weekend, just as long as it's soon.

We could hold it at any one of three places, as I see it. Seattle Center, the Waterfront (ferry terminal, Pier 70, the Edgewater Inn, The Aquarium, etc.), or maybe Pioneer Square. We should definitely avoid Pike Place Market and the original Starbucks as that's just bad crazy crowded. Always.

Personally, I would tend to lean towards the Seattle Center, because we would just HAVE to go to the EMP as a group, too. Including the Science Center would be cool also.

Critical mass would be 3 people, I guess, this being the first meeting. Just pick a place to meet and a time, and I'm there.

I might suggest nailing down the date for sure maybe in a general way, and then confirming on Wed. or Thurs.

Ok, ideas? Thoughts? I'm hoping that confirming just a couple days ahead of time will lead to DRY weather, because rain would confine us to inside (Center House, EMP, Science Center, etc..) Rain and boomboxes do NOT mix. EMP schedule is here , while the Science Center info is here .

What do you think?

Lasonic TRC-920

Kick Ass Ken!

Always look forward to pictures from these events!

"Rain and boomboxes do NOT mix"

Ummmm, did you move to Seattle by choice? :lol:


Member (SA)
Ooooo. Hmm... Seattle would be fun. I'd try, It'll be interesting cause I might have to bring my baby. I'd havery here strapped to my chest, and my M70 strapped overy my shoulder... unless I can mount it on the stroller... that'd be cool.


Member (SA)
I wouldn't mind coming up to Seattle for a meet, maybe plan something and see if a few more get on board. I don't know a soul in Portland so there's little chance I'll ever hook up with a Boomboxery member down here...
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