Assembling problem

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Member (SA)
Aug 4, 2015
Anyone experienced on reassembling the RC-M90?

I got those two parts (as seen in picture).
The problem is that I don't know how the spring is mounted.
The manual does not show how it's done.
The two parts go on the Pin marked in red circle.




Member (SA)
Dec 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
Spring goes on the thick black post, then the pinch roller assembly.

The arms of the spring should lock in such a way that the pinch roller is kept away from the capstan. The pic is that of JVC M80 deck. So hard to show how that spring is locked in place without actually working with it.

One end will be locked on the chassis with tension and the other on the pinch roller assembly to keep it away from the capstan when play is not engaged. When play is engaged whole assembly moves and gives pressure to the pinch roller and capstan for tape transport.

You can see that 90 degree bend is resting on the top of the inch roller assembly. So the other one has to be somewhere on the chassis to give tension to the spring.

See that lip like projection on the side of the screw. Not near the screw but next to the screw. That is where the straight end of the spring rest. Then you need to turn the spring and then slip the 90 bend side over the pinch roller assembly. That is it...



Member (SA)
Dec 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
brown007 said:
Wow, huge thanks for your reply!
I'll give it a try tonight!
Remember the straight leg of the spring has to go on the metal part sticking up and giving tension to the spring. Basically the two arms of the spring had to cross each other to give tension. Go for it! Be gentle... Have a mental picture of how it holds the assembly down before you proceed. Good Luck!

Always watch the other side of the deck when it is resting while you are working on it. I normally rest it on a zip lock bag with a foam underneath. This was no parts get scratched or bend.
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