message from Ira

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Member (SA)
Just received this from Ira, he asked me to post it

"tony --tell ll that i am proud and happy to be in with bobbys new forum -- am using a borrowed computer as i am still on the road --but please tell bobby and jt and everyone that i did see 100% of all their brave anti- pan- hole posts on both the public and private forum -- before they were deleted --and was amazed and thrilled to all who 'stood up'
tell them --of just please forward this email --that it will be MY TURN to post on s2g in a FEW DAYS exactly how little i respect pf --promise -- i wont let you guys down -- ever !!
gotta go for now --others need this computer
thanks - regards- ira "


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
Very cool, Tony! I was worried that Ira would miss all the fun. I'm glad he got to see it. If you hear from him again, before he get's home, remind him to SAVE every post so I can read it. :-P


Staff member
May 5, 2009
'Bama!!! Deep In Da' Heart O' Dixie
For those still slumming around that "other" site, I'm about to call those punk asses out. Time to throw down the gauntlet and see if they are willing to hear the public opine. Will keep you posted as it develops. And don't be surprised if Bobby get's some "free" advertisement. ;-)


Member (SA)
May 6, 2009
oldskool69 said:
For those still slumming around that "other" site, I'm about to call those punk asses out. Time to throw down the gauntlet and see if they are willing to hear the public opine. Will keep you posted as it develops. And don't be surprised if Bobby get's some "free" advertisement. ;-)
Whenever you want to :) we just set a time and everyone post negatives about the site followed with a "linky" :)

It'll take some time to delete all the posts :)


Staff member
May 5, 2009
'Bama!!! Deep In Da' Heart O' Dixie
I've sent a PM offering this challenge to the fab four on "that other site":

"OK Fellas.

I think it's time that as moderators, you open yourself up to a little scrutiny.

I say this because apparently, there is a chasm between you all as moderators, and members.

The purpose behind this is to give insight in a public setting. Much like any community hearing to say, vote on what they see as performance issues of the zoning board, mayor, etc.

There are a lot, I mean a lot, of people who were put off by Jens response that the mods know more about personal behavior or a persons intent. And along with Bill's recent issues, it's just been way to hot around here. We need to be clear of a few things here:

1. We are not sitting directly across from one another, so we really don't "know" about ones behavior or intent because we lack the one critical piece to make that call. Physical interaction. Now reasonable conclusions can be drawn once a "history" is built. But random bursts do not constitute a persons actual intent or make up. I'm ex-military, served three combat tours, and have had the same soldiers that wigged out afraid to die, step up and be ready to go like a madman regardless. So do I judge based on wigging out? Or stepping up? Easy one there. Let him get it out of his system, monitor and move on.

2. Consider this. If a member is not satisfied with your answer if PM'd, it appears to be the simplistic reply is "Leave, who cares?" Now, I can't be totally sure how you draw your conclusions. But there seems to be quite a few members who question how you do.

3. And three, regarding who know what regarding personal behavior, anyone who follows this site intently like some of us do, know just as much as the mods. The only thing we don't know, is how a person reacts personally to you via PM. But in open threads, unless we can't read, we see everything that you do.

And keep this in mind, many of us members save the pages of "hot" threads or PM's beacuase we know they'll be erased. They may be erased here, but facts get around by other means.

All this being said, and I've said this before, you have a heckuva job to do. Bill, I've said this to you on many occasions. But whatever you do, personal feelings absolutely cannot, cannot, be a part of the decision making process. Jens, you even acknowledge that you can't keep up with all that goes on here. Who can? We all have real lives to live.

Now others may take it out of PM first, but I won't. I offer this challenge to you.

1. I will open a post in the Chat section. The rules are simple. I will set up a simple polls.

A. Mods performance good? Yes or No.
B. Fair/Balanced? Yes or No
C. Term limits for mods? Yes or No.
D. Policies? Good? Too Strict?

The allow for comment. Comments may be directed to a specific mod, but the following must be adhered to:

1. Comments must be strictly based on performance or policy. Whether they think you're a jerk or not they can keep to themselves. Terms like overbearing, oppressive, etc. along those lines are acceptable. Calling someone an arse is not.

2. I moderate this thread only. I make the judgement call on a post or will ask it to be edited for content.

3. Moderators do not reply. You sit, and take it. Digest it and then reflect.

4. Thread will be open for access for two weeks. Then it will be closed.

5. After the two weeks, you each post a reply individually, not collectively, responding to the group.

6. After a month, the post will be removed.

Right now, no one feels they have a voice because well, as moderators, you control it. If it's posted publicly, you can delete or edit. Via PM, know one may ever know how someone felt about a situation.

I certainly hope you all are up to the challenge. I think you should be interested in what your members think. And please note, there are no skewed questions. It's as black and white as it can get.

I am saving this thread. And will mark it everday awaiting your individual responses. I fully expect you all to possibly discuss as a group amongst yourselves to decide on how to respond to this.

Just remember, the great and the small gets called on to face the crowd regardless of the size or purpose. I have faith that you all are capable of the same.

What say you? I'd like to get it going by 5.9.09."


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
Great job, Freddie!! I imagine that you'll be suspended or banned by tomorrow morning. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
I just noticed that the "moderator" is now back to "Panasonic Fan." :lol:


Member (SA)
May 5, 2009
Florida's West Coast
So, I was poking around S2G to see if any threads had been deleted and noticed something very interesting.
It appears that Jens' recent thread titled "attention members - I must say this" appears to have been removed. At least I think that was the name of it.

It was the one with the red MODERATORS DECISION IS FINAL text.

I don't see it the chat area, nor can I find it in the off-topics section.

Could this mean that there is actually some behind the scenes talk going on??? Like maybe the barrage of PMs and flood of long-term members announcing departure are making the mod team take notice?

Freddie, how's it going on your front?


Member (SA)
May 6, 2009
Fantastic job , Freddie. I think you are handling this perfectly. I appreciate your leadership!! It kind of sucks that all this happened, but it makes me feel a lot better that Bobby has created this new site for us. It just seems like the moderators at st2g don't want any change whatsoever and it never feels right to not have any "say" whatsoever in a group like we had over there. So many "clearly" great members voiced their opinions about what was going wrong with some "clearly" negative members and it just seems obvious to me that we had a point about some of those guys. To me, It is very easy to just reread old posts and see who the troublemakers are and how they mess threads up consistently.
I think, for me, I have always kept my posts very "howdy doody" like over there and now that this has happened , it occured to me, that I think I have been somewhat intimidated tp post what I think over there after seeing early on how quick some members like Pan Fan / Metad will respond negatively to posts including many newer members who don't really know what they are doing yet. And I don't like to get involved in any arguments over what is my fun, relaxing hobby. So, here now I already feel more comfortable to post what I think and let my hair down (you all know I don't have much hair to let down) more than at the old site. Hopefully this will all work out for the best.
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