GF-777 Power Switch Repair

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
This is from a post I made a while back over a S2G. I thought I'd bring it over here, just in case it ever disappeared over there.


First off, I surveyed the damage.

The little plastic nib on the side of the power switch had cleanly broken off from the side.

I did some measuring with a micrometer and determined the nib diameter was approximately .07" or approximately 1/16". I had read Fuzzyduck's power switch repair and saw how she used a screw, but I didn't really want to use something that could perhaps strip out the plastic should the other nib ever break off. I came up with the idea of an axle/cross pin type repair. So I loaded up the drill with a 1/16" bit and carefully drilled out the necessary hole.

I found a small nail the exact diameter needed!

I had initially planned on going all the way across with the nail, but noticed that drilling the other side wouldn't leave much plastic to hold the nail, so I decided to hold off on that until if/when the other nib breaks.

I trimmed off the excess nail part with my Dremel, but left about 1/8" protruding in order to give the hot glue something to grab.

I let the hot glue cool off and cleaned up any mess and tested the switch. Perfect!

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