
  1. P

    Name That Song, Name That Tune

    Hi, folks. Anyone know the name of a song with a female vocalist? The mid-tempo song was probably recorded after the year 2000. I'm not very good with lyrics, but the refrain seems to be: Why don't you just stay away from me (Electronica riffs) Why do you just think I want to hear what you say...
  2. P

    A "Lower Level" For A QT-Series Sharp?

    Hello, people. Perhaps I should send the eBay seller a message, but let me also ask the experts here on BoomBoxery. What does it mean to be "in the lower level" when one is testing the FM tuner of a Sharp mini-box? The seller stated in part: The AM band works extra clear. The FM band works...
  3. MyOhMy

    Panasonic RX-CS700 - faulty FM Stereo Reception

    Hi All, I received a Panasonic RX-CS700 today and the FM stereo reception is behaving rather oddly. There is full stereo reception along the full length of the FM band and the 'FM Stereo' light indicates stereo reception throughout the full length of the band BUT, whenever any & all FM...
  4. nightwheel

    Panasonic RX-5085 with quiet FM band

    Hello folks, I'm nightwheel. I wish my first post here could be something less annoying, but sometimes things don't happen the way people wishes it could. Anyways, to the problem at hand. I picked up a Panasonic RX-5085 from a yard sale for $10. Everything on it seems to work fine except for...